Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Simple Truths #222

Galatians 1:I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—     7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.
If we lose sight of the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ’s all sufficiency and preeminence then most everything else we do or say is of no value. To have faith in Jesus plus anything else for our faith and life is a diminishing of the finished work of Christ in His life, death, resurrection and second coming. The author of Galatians was facing a church that heard the gospel, received it and then began to see its message erode in the culture and philosophies of the day.

The message of the gospel was simple: Jesus Christ was God come to earth, born in a physical body, lived sinless in that body, and died on the cross. He
arose in a physical body and told His disciples that He would return to earth so that every eye could see His body. His incarnation was a miracle of God. His death on the cross was sufficient to provide love, forgiveness of sin, and reconcile sinful man to a Holy God.

In the church there came an attack upon the gospel. It was probably subtle at first but was beginning to take a foot-hold. The influence of a group known as the Judaizers brought into the church an emphasis on keeping the Mosaic law as a means to forgiveness, holiness and justification.  Jesus was no longer seen as adequate to bring humans into a reconciled relationship with God.

Paul wrote to the church that the need for reconciliation was needed because humans are sinners by nature and by choice. It is sin that separates God and humans. It is the cross and the resurrection that brings God and humans   together. God the Son, Jesus and His finished work is enough. 

____________________Today's personal note from Dennis 

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

What a wonderful week for those of us who live in the West. It was not so good for those who live in the East. I know you are lifting the folks in the Eastern USA in prayer as they face the aftermath of one of the worst storms to ever hit the United States. It appears the future will include a lot of clean up, waiting, and more difficulties. Please join with me in praying that God will use this tragedy for good. Pray for those who have lost loved ones, homes, jobs and so many other things. 

We had a garage sale over the week-end. I have decided that it is way too much work for someone my age. Note that I am not too old to go fishing, but garage sales are a lot of work. Roger, Mandy and Susan all brought some JUNK over to sell. We had a good time together. Don't attempt to get rich selling your junk at a garage sale. At the end I was giving things away just to keep from having to take it somewhere to get rid of it. I did end up with some things that I took to a local Christian thrift store. Don't plan on having another one soon. 

Sandy is about finished teaching her Tuesday morning Bible Study. She has enjoyed teaching. As usual the response has been great. She is such a gifted teacher. She really enjoys involving the people in the class in the discussion. 

I have included some old pictures of the three grandsons. I was looking back through some pictures and realized that they are really growing. I also realized that I am getting older. It gives me a bit of nostalgia to look back through those photos. I really enjoy being a TAPAW. 

Tuesday I had my lab work done. The MRI is scheduled for November 7th and I see the oncologist on November 12th. Please continue to pray for good results. I am feeling good. I have some return of the Carcinoid Syndrome, but not severe. I continue to be grateful and amazed that it has been six and a half years since the doctors found the cancer in my liver. At that time the oncologist told me I had a few months to live. I am still here and praising God for the time I have had with my family, involved in ministry and just enjoying life. GOD IS GOOD!!

In case you haven't noticed we are already into the Holiday Season. It used to be that the holidays started after Thanksgiving. Our stores are already showing Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations all at the same time. Enjoy the Holidays. 

I would love to send The Encourager to someone you think would benefit from the devotionals. Send me their name and email address and I will be glad to put them on the list. 

God bless you this week. May you look to Jesus for your direction and find His plan as you yield your life to Him.  ~ DGW 

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