Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Road Kill #191

1 Samuel 30:11-13 Now they found an Egyptian in the field and brought him to David, and gave him bread and he ate, and they provided him water to drink. And they gave him a piece of fig cake and two clusters of raisins, and he ate; then his spirit revived. For he had not eaten bread or drunk water for three days and three nights. And David said to him, "To whom do you belong? And where are you from?" And he said, "I am a young man of Egypt, a servant of an Amalekite; and my master left me behind when I fell sick three days ago. (NAS)

Left for dead on the side of the road or in this case in a field; that is the condition of the Egyptian, the servant of the Amalekites, that David found dying. The Amalekites were not only the enemy of David, but of their own servants. The Amalekites represent the flesh in all of us. We have three basic spiritual enemies: the world, the devil, and the flesh. The enemy had captured David's family. David in hot pursuit of them found one of the enemy's servants in a field dying from lack of nourishment. As they gave him water and bread and fig cake and raisins, he revived.

When David asked him, "to whom do you belong?" he answered that he was an Egyptian and a servant of an Amalekite. He also said that the Amalekite left him behind when he was sick. As in all of us he flesh makes great promises, but never fulfills them. The Amalekites, the flesh, took care of the servant as long as he was useful. After that they left him to die.

The flesh promises prosperity, peace, excitement, popularity, and fun.The problem is the flesh delivers death. The flesh is at war with the Spirit of God within every believer and the flesh is a destroyer much like Satan is a destroyer. Never trust the flesh to give you anything except to leave you dying in the field. Only God gives life.

Galatians 5:17 "For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please."

__________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

What a wonderful week. God provided some AZ weather and Sandy and I took advantage of the 80 degree weather to be outside in the yard doing some clean up and enjoying the beauty of the weather. That is why we live in AZ.I celebrated my 66th. birthday on Tuesday. The family got together on Sunday evening to celebrate with me and to eat. We all do that well.

John was unable to be with us due to his team being in the finals of an ice hockey tournament. Yes we do have ice in AZ. He is finding new aches and pains. Mandy tells him that it is because he is 35. Like most men that doesn't mean a lot.

I met with two pastor friends this week. One is my own pastor, Roger Ball. He is going on Sabbatical this summer and has asked me to preach several times in his stead. I look forward to this opportunity to parch and also help him.

The other was a young pastor, Justin Anderson. I met him
over six years ago. He is gifted, blessed and skilled at church planting. He was used of God to plant a church in Tempe that grew to several hundred. He is leaving that church to begin a new congregation in the city of San Francisco. He is excited about the challenge. I will miss his fellowship, but gives me a reason to visit SF.

A deacon from my past called this week and we met at Starbucks for a cup of coffee. Randy and I have known one another for almost 24 years. We both have aged a bit. He is suffering from Parkinson's. His faith is so strong. He is an encourager to many. Although at this time he is not able to work he still is involved in ministry.

I also met with a man from our church and the men's Bible study group at Starbucks. For me this past week was great.

There were also some things that brought grief. I lost a friend, Lee Nelli, this week from pancreatic cancer. He fought a good fight, but the disease overcame him. He is now in perfect peace with a new body in heaven. Another one of those people I will see again.

Isn't it great to know that as believers we will all be together in the end. That our heavenly father has a family reunion for all his children someday.

I will be preaching at First Southern Baptist Church in Phoenix on April 1st. I am reminded that it is April Fool's Day. Sure hope the guy who called and asked me to preach was not joking.

God bless you all this week. May He give you renewed strength and bless you with abilities beyond all you could ask or think.

To Him be the glory. ~ DGW

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Others First #190

Philippians 2:3-4
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself. Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interest of others.

Are you selfish or selfless? Two well known quotes about selfishness reflect on the verses above: "Selfishness is that detestable vice which no one will forgive in others, and no one is without in himself." ~Henry Ward Beecher and "He who lives only to benefit himself confers on the world a benefit when he dies." ~ Tertullian

No one likes a selfish person. Maybe that is why selfish person. Maybe that is why selfish people often find themselves alone. Are you ever lonely? Do you ever feel like people don't like you or that there must be something wrong with you? There is a great formula that will really help. Forget about yourself. Think God first and others next.

The words of Jesus point out that to really find yourself you must lose yourself. Lose yourself by looking to the needs of others. Selfishness will lead you to self-pity and depression. If you will look to the needs of others you will discover a new joyous dimension of living. Think of others as more important than yourself. See what you can do for someone else today. And don't expect recognition or reward.

Selfishness can cause you to cling to things and to be too demanding of others. Selfishness ruins relationships and complicates your life. How do you know if you are selfish? Maybe you find yourself without close friends, with broken relationships, a lot of material things, and miserable. You may reflect a life of always wanting your way, always wanting to be in charge, blaming others and refusing to admit wrongdoing. What can you do?

Admit you are selfish. Learn to give instead of receive. Be patient with yourself. It will take time to change. Be patient with those you have offended with your selfishness. They will take time to believe you have changed. Depend on God for everything. He is the One who is to be in charge. Thank God for the changes He is making in your life.

______________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

What a great week! It was Spring Break for the area schools and Sandy and I took advantage of the boys being off school to take them camping. We had a great time. The boys took along their iPhones and iTouch and made movies. The picture on the Verde River was the last scene of the movie. They enjoyed making the movie and we laughed at their imaginations and creativity.

On the way home we counted the number of electronic devices we all had taken along. In total there was 19 different devices. So much for roughing it. All this was done without wi-fi. Now that is really roughing it. We did have a couple of devices with 4G.

The best part was just spending time together, sharing stories, laughing at one another's stories and jokes, and just loving one another. We are so proud of Bennett, Burke and Collin. They are special guys. They are all followers of Jesus Christ, faithful in their churches and good students at school. We love them dearly.

Sandy is still teaching her ladies Bible study on Tuesday mornings. She is really enjoying teaching and also getting acquainted with the women in her class. She has been teaching about women in the Bible who had difficult times.

Sunday our Sunday School class had a luncheon together. It is so good to have a group of friends to share food and fellowship. It is a great class. We are so blessed to be a part.

I will be preaching at First Southern Baptist Church of Phoenix on April 1st. It will be the second time this year to preach in that wonderful church. They are currently searching for a new pastor. Pray for them that God will send the right pastor for them.

My mom's sister, Ruby Tucker, passed away on Sunday morning. I will miss her. We have been emailing and calling one another during the past year or so. When Sandy and I visit my home town we stayed with her. It will be strange to not have her there. She also went to the nursing home to see my Dad three times a week. He will miss her greatly. She was a very unselfish person, always giving her time and energy to those who needed help. She will be missed.

I appreciate your prayers. God has truly answered so many. Thank you for caring so much. May God bless you this week with a renewed walk with Him. May He bring you encouragement in whatever you face. ~ DGW

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

That Still Small Voice #189

Acts 18:9-11
And the Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision, "Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent; for I am with you, and no man will attack you in order to harm you, for I have many people in this city. "And he settled there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them." (NAS)

Great confidence comes when we receive a confirmation from the word of the Lord. God is a revealing God and delights in giving to His children encouragement and hope. He speaks to us through the BIble, the circumstances of life, the indwelling Holy Spirit, prayer, and the counsel of godly people.

The Apostle Paul was experienced in ministry that often included difficulties and trials. He could easily anticipate that at any time a new struggle was coming. For him to anticipate what was coming next would have been normal. The majority of his struggles came at the hands of those to whom he ministered. He never knew what would come next. He could expect a beating or an imprisonment or both.

This time it was different. God spoke clearly to Paul about His protection. God gave him a vision that contained the hope and encouragement needed to carry on his ministry in Corinth. God's word was simply, "Do not be afraid." His instruction from God was to continue his ministry with the assurance that he would be safe.

Paul was renewed in his mission. He was empowered to continue sharing the gospel and teaching God's scripture to the Corinthians. Paul's normal length of stay at any place was from a few days to maybe a few months, but this time he stayed a year and six months making disciples by teaching the scriptures. The word from God was accompanied with the promise that many would respond to his message of salvation through Jesus.

Do you need a fresh word from God, or a renewal of your calling to serve the Lord right where you are? Listen as God speaks to you through the Bible, prayer godly counsel, and the still small voice of God's Spirit speaking to your heart. Go forward with a sense of hope and encouragement to fulfill His calling in your life.

________________A personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ.

As you can see from the pictures it was Johnny's birthday this week. On March 8th he turned one year old. Mandy and John had a party for him at a local park. Lots of kids and their parents enjoyed the event. Johnny had his friends,
cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents and great grand parents and of course Mom and Dad celebrate with him. He enjoyed every moment.

Sandy and I will be at Dead Horse Ranch State Park camping with Burke, Bennett, and Collin this week. The weather in AZ is absolutely beautiful. We are looking forward to fishing, hiking and maybe eat a little also.

Thanks for your prayers for God to open doors of ministry for me and Sandy. Both of us continue to preach and teach and minister to people. As of Sunday, March 11, I have scheduled to preach a total of 29 messages by September 9th. I consider it such a privilege to share God's word
knowing that it never returns without accomplishing the purpose God intended. I would really appreciate your prayers as I prepare through prayer and study to preach.

It is so good to hear from you and hear how you are doing and how God is at work in your life. I praise the Lord for you.

God bless you this week and may He encourage you in the ministry He has called you to perform. May you find a renewed energy and hope in all you do in the name of Jesus. ~ DGW

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What Pleases Him? #188

2 Corinthians 5:7-8
For we walk by faith and not by sight. Therefore, we have as our ambition whether at home or absent to be pleasing to Him.

Are you the ambitious type? Are you always looking for a new challenge - something exciting, something in which there is a risk involved? The Apostle Paul shared with the Corinthians a rather ambitious goal. That goal was dead or alive, maybe better put alive here on earth or alive in heaven, to be always pleasing to God.

There are so many ideas about how to please God: acting religious, church attendance, good family relations, Bible study, giving of your material blessings, and so on and on. No doubt with all these things God is pleased, but the Bible says to really please Him it takes faith. We are to walk by faith, not by our ambitious goals, but by faith. The Bible says, "without faith it is impossible to please Him". (Hebrews 11:6)

Living by faith is a moment -by-moment dependence upon God. Faith believes He can and will direct your life, and protect and provide for your well-being. He is all knowing thus He is aware of what is coming next in your life and is sovereign so you can rest in God through faith. What a relief to no longer live in fear. What a privilege to be loved by the Creator who knows your every need.

The ambition of the Christian life is to please God. The primary way we accomplish that goal in life is to walk by faith. It is not a life when once in awhile we trust and have faith in God when things are difficult, but constantly having faith in the One who is Lord of all.

Do you worry? Are you filled with anxiety about the present or the future? Do you doubt that God really loves and cares for you? Are you overrun by the cares of the world? Let me assure you that God is able and willing to meet your life's struggles.

You need not live in denial of your struggles and needs. You just need to have faith that God is in charge. God not only knows of your difficulties, but He is all-powerful and able to reach into your life and make the difference. He is waiting on you to have faith in Him.

Remember you live by faith and not by sight. What you see happening around you is sight. What you don't see but believe is faith.

______________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ,

God again allowed me the privilege of preaching His word on Sunday. The message from Genesis 27:30-40 described a dysfunctional family trying to do God's work. The only problem was their own selfishness got in the way. Isn't is sad that we are all so selfish? Take a moment to read those verses.

This is a special week for our family. Our little Johnny (John Koleszar IV) was one year old on March 8. He has gone from a little alb premie to a rather strong looking 25 pounder in a year. We are so pleased and praise God daily for him. He took his first steps on Sunday. His Mom and Dad are so proud. Sandy and I have the joy of caring for him a couple of days a week. Of course we love every minute of it. We do go to bed early on those days.

Next week is Spring Break in our schools. Sandy and I plan to take Bennett, Collin and Burke camping. I know those of you in colder climates will think we are crazy, but temperatures here are already in the 80's. We are taking fishing rods and reels and hiking shoes. It should be a fun-filled four days and three nights.

Please continue to pray for our ministry of teaching and preaching. Pray especially for the preparation time. It takes many hours of study and prayer to be ready to teach for thirty minutes. Of course Sandy teaches almost forty-five minutes.

We continue to enjoy our church. Opportunities for service abound. That rings my bell!

Pray for the upcoming speaking engagements that Sandy and I have scheduled.
1. First Southern Baptist of Phoenix; I will be preaching April 1st.
2. Sandy continues the Tuesday morning Bible Study at First Baptist Church of Tempe. Pray for her.
3. Second Baptist Church of Lebanon, MO. I will be preaching a revival beginning Sunday night April 29th through Wednesday night May 2nd.
4. I plan to work at the camp in Burton, AZ with Campers on Mission. It is a children's camp that is in need of buildings on May 20-26.
5. I will be preaching at FBC of Tempe two Sundays a month in June, July, August and September. June, July and August will be three services each morning.
6. NOW I AM TIRED!! Sandy and I will celebrate our 46th anniversary Septermber 4th. I think it might be time for a second honeymoon.

We so appreciate your prayers and concerns and know God has used your in our lives. It is a joy for us to hear from you. Thanks for the encouragement.

God Bless You. ~ DGW