Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Content or Selfish? #187

Romans 8:7
"For the mind set on the flesh(self) is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace." KJV

Luke 9:23
"And he said to all, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." ESV

Mark 8:35
"If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it." NLT

Are you selfish?
In the March 28, 1995 issue of the AZ Republic newspaper: "Civilization was created to constrain egoism, to teach people to deny themselves for the common good."

It appears the most common qualities of most people are found in two very selfish expressions: one is greed and the other is envy. Polls apart and yet so similar are both of these lifestyles. Both are extremely selfish.

Two quotes apart from the scripture give a good perspective of selfishness.
1. "Selfishness is that detestable vice which no one will forgive in others, and no one is without in himself." - Henry Ward Beecher
2. "He who lives only to benefit himself confers on the world a benefit when he dies." Tertullian

The Bible gives great insight into living life to its fullest. Never is selfishness listed as an avenue to the wonderful life. In fact Jesus made it clear that to find life you had to lose your life. To truly be a follower of Jesus would be to deny yourself (the opposite of selfishness) take up your cross and follow Him.

The apostle Paul reminds us in the Book of Romans that a life set on the flesh or the self brings about death. It is as the mind is set on the Spirit that true life and peace will be found.

In the Book of Philippians the Apostle Paul gives the secret of living with much or with little. That secret contentment, the opposite of selfishness. TRY IT!!

_________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ.

Isn't God good! We are so often on the receiving end of God's mercy and grace and then just take it for granted. Please keep your focus on Him and His goodness to you.

The old hymn says, "Count your many blessing, name them one by one." Sometime when you are tempted to engage in a 'pity party' just start naming those blessings. It will amaze you how things change.

This has been a busy week. I am in preparation to preach on Sunday at First Baptist Church Intersect Service. Some of you have written to ask what is the Intersect Service. It is a contemporary service geared to college, high school and old codgers like me who like drums, guitars, keyboards and loud music.

Sandy and I both have been in churches that use that style of worship for so many years that we find we really enjoy worshipping in the Intersect Service. It meets at 9:30 AM in the Loft at FBC Tempe. Join us Sunday. Now you will want to know what is "the Loft?" It is a worship area upstairs in the education building at FBC.

Our church had a missions conference this past weekend. What a privilege to listen to and engage missionaries from all over the world. Our church supports many missionaries and every two years they bring them inn for a weekend of encouragement.

One of the fun things we did this week was a Krispy Kreme donut race. The picture is of the beginning of the mile run. The contestants had to eat four donuts and then run a mile. I just ate my donuts and forgot the running part. Krispy Kreme provided 1200 donuts for the occasion.

Sandy is still teaching her Tuesday morning Bible Study. She so enjoys teaching as well as preparation. Pray for her as she shares with the ladies who attend her class.

Next week on March 8th our little Johnny will be a year old. He is progressing so well. The highlight of my week was hearing him say Tapaw for the first time. It came out more like PaPa. But I knew what he was saying and so did he.

This week is concert week for both Burke and Bennett. Monday night Bennett's choir was in concert. Wednesday night Burke's band plays a concert. What a joy to listen to them and see their improvement from semester to semester. Both are really talented.

Many of you returned an email message of encouragement to me last week. For some reason The Encourager spoke to many of you. Thanks for responding. I do pray always that what God lays on my heart to write is a blessing of hope and encouragement to you.

I continue to meet people with cancer. It seems that more and more people are struggling with the disease. God has given me words to encourage them on their pilgrimage as they learn to live with cancer. It seems the primary need of all is to realize that God is in control. No matter what transpires there is a God who loves them and has promised to never leave or forsake them. Suffering is a part of living. It is a lot easier to face suffering when we see God at work through our trials.

We all have a story of God's amazing grace in our lives. Let me encourage you to share your story. I am constantly reminded of the verse in Psalms 118;17 "You shall not die but live that you may tell what the Lord is doing." I get excited, in spite of my own cancer and struggles over the past few years, to tell of God's presence, His grace and mercy, His sustaining power, and His love.

Don't ever forget that He loves you. Keep telling your story. May God Bless You. May His sustaining grace be evident to you this week. ~DGW

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Winning the Victory #186

1 Samuel 30:3-4
3 And when David and his men cme to the city, behold, it was burned with fire, and their wives and their sons and their daughters had been taken captive.
4 Then David and the people who were with him lifted their voices and wept until there was no strength in them to weep.
1 Samuel 30:8
And David inquired of the LORD, saying, "Shall I pursue this band? Shall I overtake them?" And He said to him, "Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them, and you shall surely rescue all."

The Amalekites attacked David and his people, and family while he was away. The Amalekites were the descendants of Esau. Moses had earlier declared to Israel that the Amalekites would always be their enemy. They attacked during a time of vulnerability.

Some Biblical scholars have compared the Amalekites to the flesh (or the selfish nature) that Christians contend with on a continuous basis. When David's family was attacked and his wives and daughters and sons were carried away into captivity he and all of Israel wept until they could weep no more. Then when he had no strength left he inquired of God as to what he should do. God told him not only to pursue the enemy, but that he would have victory and all of the captives would be rescued. As Christians the battle of the flesh against the Spirit is obvious. Although the enemy brings forth death there is victory over the flesh by walking in the Spirit.

Romans 8:5-6
5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.
6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.

Set your mind on and walk in the Spirit and find victory over the flesh as David did over the Amalekites.

_________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ,

Hoping you have had a wonderful week. This has already been a great week for me. So many of you have inquired about my CT scans and Lab work. WELL! HERE IS THE REPORT!!

The CT scan shows a small tumor in the right love of the liver (only 7mm) with no change for the past six months. That is the GREAT news. The Lab work shows that the liver is functioning properly. The enzymes in the liver are in the NORMAL range for the first time in years. I told the doctor on Monday that I thought God must have had something to do with the good news and he quickly agreed. I was able to share with him about me sharing my story of God's grace and healing with people. I also was able to tell him what I had learned. He was quite interested. PTL

Sandy and I continue to be blessed with ministry opportunities. We would ask you to pray for us for the following:
1. Sandy continues to lead a Tuesday morning Bible Study at FBC Tempe.
2 My preaching schedule:
March 4th at the Intersect Service (9:30) at FBC Tempe
April 1st at First Southern Baptist Church of Phoenix (10:30)
April 29-May 2 at Second Baptist Church, Lebanon, MO
May 20-25 Campers on Mission, Project Building in Burton, AZ
June 17th & 24th, FBC Tempe, (all three morning services)
July 15th & 22nd, FBC Tempe, (all three morning services)
August 5th FBC Tempe, (6pm)
September 2nd & 9th, Intersect Service (9:30)
3. Sandy and I will be back in Columbus, Ohio in November for our annual retreat.

We are so grateful to have all four of our grandsons living nearby. We see them often and love them dearly. They are all four doing well. The three oldest are all in their school's band programs. Bennett is in the percussion section. Collin is learning the trumpet and Burke plays the trombone. Burke recently was promoted to the Intermediate Band at his school Bennett also is in the musical for "guys and Dolls" at his school. We are so proud of all of them.

One of the highlights of my week is Friday mornings. I meet with a men's Bible Study group at Grace Community Church for a time of fellowship at Starbucks. We laugh, sure and encourage one another. They are a super bunch of guys.

God had so blessed my life. I am so thankful. I am also grateful and thankful for YOU! So many of you have inquired about my health condition and of my family. Sandy and I so appreciate you and your concerns and continue to ask for your prayers as we serve the Lord.

Have a week filled with God's grace, the love of God and His peace. I pray you will find encouragement and hope in all you do. ~ DGW

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What's Your Excuse #185

Luke 9:57-62
57 As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go."
58 Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head
59 He said to another man, "follow me." but he replied, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father."
60 Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."
61 Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family."
62 Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."

Excuses ultimately have little influence on God. When Jesus extended a call for someone to follow Him many responded with various excuses and reasons why the timing was off, or task was too difficult, or other needs were more pressing.

One person suggested he needed to first go home and say goodbye to his family. It seemed like a legitimate excuse, but it was answered by Jesus with a proverb. He said, "no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God." Jesus understood that in order to plow straight and to finish the task you could not turn around and look behind.

Excuse makers look backwards to see where they have been, how they are doing, and forget that the future is ahead. To plow a straight furrow it was always necessary to look ahead. Make no excuses for following Christ. Simply look forward to where He is guiding and follow Him.

______________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ.

Happy St. Valentine's Day!! and Happy Arizona's Birthday!! (I am writing this on Tuesday February 14th) ALthough Valentine's Day has been around since the 14th century, the State of Arizona is only 100 years old today. Just a young state in the scheme of things. Celebrations will be held throughout the state today. It seems strange to think that living here for 23 years that our family has lived in Arizona almost a quarter of its existence as a state.

I do hope you shared your love with family and with that special person in your life on Valentine's day. Sandy and I have celebrated 47 Valentine's Day together.

Sandy and I are hard a work studying for our various Bible Studies and Sermons. We both enjoy teaching and study is such a vital part of enjoyment. Sometimes I wonder what I learned the first 40 some years of my ministry. The Bible seems to just come alive as I study it great truths.

All of my labs, CT scans and other tests are complete. I should have a report on Monday, February 20. I will see the oncologist on that day. I ask you to join me and pray that the tests will show no new tumors or growth in the current one. I feel good and believe things are going very well. I praise the Lord for His comfort and peace.

I so enjoy hearing from you. Sometimes I write The Encourage and wonder if it is worth the effort and then one of you send a nice return email and remind me that God is using these words of encouragement. Thanks for telling me so.

Sandy and I made official our membership in First Baptist Church of Tempe this past Sunday. We are excited about our new church and the opportunities for ministry. Sandy's Tuesday morning Bible Study is going well. She finished her study for this week's lesson and commented to me, "that will preach!" It was 16 typed pages long. Not many of you would want to sit through a sermon that long, but would gladly listen to Sandy teach that long.

Our whole family has passed around the 'bad cold' that is going around. It is not a fun time and lasts way too long.

Pray for the upcoming speaking opportunities that Sand and I have. I will be preaching at First Baptist Tempe on March 4th at the 9:30 Intersect service. Please pray as I prepare for the revival at Second Baptist Church in Lebanon, MO, April 29-May 2.

Appreciate so much your prayers, concerns and support of our ministry and our family.

God bless you. May god give you new understanding of your personal ministry and open doors to use your spiritual gifts in serving Him and His people. ~ DGW

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Know Your Enemy #184

Ephesians 6:10-12
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might.
11 Put on the full armor of God, that you matt be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. (NAS)

In the pictures of the American Revolution the British and the Americans stood a few yards apart, loaded their weapons and fired. When the smoke settled some were wounded and others were dead. Then they reloaded and took a few steps forward and show again. What a novel idea. You actually knew your enemy. In recent wars often the enemy is unknown and sneaks upon you undetected.

What a similarity between the type of warfare and spiritual warfare! It is easy to misunderstand the enemy. In spiritual warfare the enemy appears to be the people, circumstances, and even one another. Instead the enemy is none other than Satan his host of demons. They are against God and God's people. He is not a fair enemy. He does not just line up against us and shoot it out. He is deceptive, aggressive, and attacks from every direction often at the same time.

When the children of Israel first came out of Egypt God did not lead them by the way of the Philistines, but through the wilderness because they were not ready for war. They would have gone back to Egypt. God led them another way. Later, they were prepared to fight for the land God had promised them. It was their land. It was just occupied by someone else. God was leading them to victory. The enemy was there. It is vital that in order to win the war we must recognize the real enemy and put on the full armor of God.

_______________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ.

This is the time of the year that ll of us in AZ like to call someone "Back East" hopefully as far north as possible and brag about our 70 degree weather. It truly is beautiful in Tempe, AZ this time of the year. (Please don't remind me in July how nice it is where you live.)

Sandy and I are making our plans for the summer. It is filling up with exciting things. We do ask you to pray for these plans and opportunities for ministry and family.

Pray For:
1. It appears that the trip to Uganda and South Sudan will not happen I appreciate your prayers. I have had some real doubts as to whether this was God's will or not. We have prayed as well as many of you have also lifted this to God. I had a doctor yesterday tell me I would have to make the decision on my own, but he felt knowing my health issues that no one would tell me it was a good idea. I am not making a decision based on one doctor's opinion, but with other counsel I think right now it will likely not happen.

2. Sandy continues to teach the Ladies Bible Study at our church. Pray for her as she teaches.

3. I will be preaching at our church on March 4th in the Intersect Service. It is a contemporary service that we really enjoy.

4. I will be preaching a revival at Second Baptist Church of Lebanon, MO April 29-My 2. Pray for a real revival at that church.

5. Roger Ball, our pastor, is going on a sabbatical this summer and has asked me to preach a total of 19 times. That will be 6 Sundays, three sermons each morning. I really look forward to that. I will also be preaching one Sunday night service. Pray for the preparation and stamina.

6. Looks like we will stay in AZ for the summer and do some camping and fishing in the mountains. Such a beautiful, cool place.

7. I have a CT scan Thursday, January 9th. The lab tests were done on the 7th. I will know results on February 20th. Please pray for a good report which means no growth, but stability of the tumor in the liver. Thanks.

8. Sandy, Collin and I are joining First Baptist Church of Tempe on this Sunday, January 12th. Pray for us on this important day.

Your prayers, email and contacts mean a lot to us. Your support is much appreciated. We could not do what we do without you allowing God to use you. Thanks for being such wonderful friends and family.

God bless you this week with special times with special people. ~ DGW

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Money Down A Hole #183

Philippians 2:16
...holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ may have cause to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain.

The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the church at Philippi and makes a strange statement. Paul is saying, "Please make sure I don't spend my life in ministry by wasting it on people who are not growing in their faith and commitment to Jesus."

Did you ever hear the term "throwing money down a hole"? It is usually used when you are wasting resources on something. You know the experience. The car starts breaking down on a regular basis. It begins to not just be oil changes and tires, but transmissions, motors, air conditioner condensers and suddenly you have spent more in repairs in one year than it would have cost to buy a new car. That is "throwing money down a hole". Everyone who owns a swimming pool knows the feeling of throwing money in the big hole in your back yard.

Paul says in Philippians 4:1 "you are my joy and crown". He means that they are the product of his ministry. His prayer request to the Thessalonian church was: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2, 1 Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; 2 and that we may be delivered from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith. (NAS)

Don't let me waste my ministry. Don't let me throw money down a hole. Paul had experienced the waste. He mentions in Colossians 4:14 to greet Demas. He later mentions him again in: 2 Timothy 4:10 "for Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica". (NAS)

Paul said to the Corinthian church: 2 Corinthians 6:1 "Do not receive the grace of God in vain". He indicates that what we receive from God needs attention. Paul has planted the church in Philippi and had heard of their struggles. He desires them to mature in their faith. He wants to see the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.

God desires you to not throw away what you have received from Him. Salvation is a gift; use it wisely. Growing in grace and in the likeness of Jesus is the desire of God for your life. Philippians 2:16 "Hold fast the word of life".

______________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in Tempe, AZ.

Sandy and I had a wonderful time in Quartzsite. We were able to share Christ with many, teach h our morning devotionals and have a great time of fellowship with the folks from Campers on Mission as well as the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church.

Henry Smart was the preacher for the revival. He did a grab job of sharing each night. It was good to have fellowship with him and his wife, Pat. We have known them for many years.

We celebrated our grandson, Burke's eleventh birthday on Monday night. We had a grab time with the f emily. Several of us have the bad cold that is going around so we shared that too.

Sandy was back teaching her BIble Study this morning. She so enjoys teaching. In my opinion she is a very wonderful teacher. I will be speaking at a Men's Breakfast at Grace Community Church on Saturday morning. I look forward to sharing with them. They are such a great group of men as well as a great church.

My mind went to memories this week. I think that is a perk of getting old. There are so many fond memories of the people God has put into our lives. To reminisce about them gives you a warm feeling. Sandy and I have lived in seven staters and been involved in many churches over the years which gives us many, many memories.

It does my heart good to remember people of the past and how God has worked in their lives. Makes me think that maybe the ministry God called me to so many years ago has not resulted in "money thrown down a hole".

Thanks for your love, concern, prayers and support. God bless you all. ~ DGW