Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Do The Dogs Lead You? #235

Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved. New Living Translation (©2007)

Who! Who! Who let the dogs out? Who! Who! Who let the dogs out? So the song goes. The apostle Paul says of the dogs who were out; watch out for them. Who are the dogs? Anyone considered a dog was on the low side of society. Dogs were not highly loved and accepted as pets the way they are today.  To call someone a dog was far from a compliment. It was a demeaning characteristic and name-calling at its worst. In Paul’s writings he considers a group called the Judaizers as dogs. They were Jews who had become Christians and then required everyone who desired to be a Christian to also become Jews and live by the Jewish law. The term you might use would be legalist.
The Judaizers required strict compliance to the Law of Moses in order to be in a right relationship with God. They diminished Jesus believing His death and resurrection was not adequate to remove sin. The legalist would convince you that keeping the Law is essential to your salvation. They might go so far as to declare salvation by God’s grace and then add Law keeping to it. They distort the gospel of grace by adding to it the keeping of the Mosaic Law.
Be careful. It is often a subtle approach to the Law that leads them to convince you that trying hard to be a good Christian, performing to their standard of behavior, and to please God by self-effort was the Christian life. Being a Christian and growing in Christ is a work of God. He saved you by the blood of Christ on the cross. He gave you life through Jesus’ resurrected life, and produces spiritual growth through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Legalists will tell you it is by your works that you are saved, and by your works you grow in spiritual depth.
No wonder Paul called them dogs. They were those who took away from Jesus and His life and made the Christian life a set of rules, regulations and laws. You are saved by grace and not by works. You are kept by grace and not by works. You are growing in maturity because of the Holy Spirit working in your life to renew you. You are not to be guided by the legalists (the dogs), but through the Holy Spirit in you.
Let God convince you and keep you through His grace. 
________________Today's personal note from Dennis
Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

Sandy and I had a wonderful time in Quartzsite. The fellowship was sweet and the revival was refreshing. We were able to share our faith with those in the booth areas. Sandy taught Sunday School and I preached on Sunday morning the 27th. The church was filled. Pastor Aaron Chicoine preached all week. We were blessed with his messages on "Freedom."  Check out the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church web site for the messages. 

Many of you have asked about Justin. He is home and doing very well. Sandy is having a super time playing with the boys. This week we celebrated Burke's twelfth birthday.  The whole family, except for John and Justin were there. Just a little early to have Justin out away from home since his illness. 

Monday and Tuesday next week Sandy and I will be teaching at the annual Mission Service Corp retreat. Our topic is "Friends in Ministry." It will be an enjoyable topic for us because of you, our friends. We have talked about how grateful we are to have friends like you that pray for us, support us financially, actually come to hear us speak from time to time and most of all just love us. You are special. We again request your prayers as we speak to volunteer missionaries throughout Arizona.

I will be preaching at First Baptist Church of Tempe on February 17th at the Intersect Service (a contemporary service) at 9:30 AM. Join me as I preach on Revelation 2:1-7 concerning the Church at Ephesus and their need to renew their love for Jesus. 

I began writing The Encourager in March of 2008. In 2009 while in the hospital and recuperating from jaundice, brain bleed, grand mall seizure, septic shock, 106 degrees of fever, 2 times intubated while in a come, and severe edema; I missed writing for almost three months. Since that time I have been able to send what I hope are encouraging words from God's Word to you each week. It is my hope and prayer that each week someone will be lifted up with what God says through His word to them. Currently The Encourager is sent by email to over 1500 people each week in 28 states and 15 foreign countries. 

I appreciate your prayers for this ministry. Previous copies of The Encourager may be found at  I do enjoy hearing from you. Drop me a reply. 

May God bless you this week with a renewed love for Jesus. Remember how much you loved Him? Is that love still real to you?   ~  DGW 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Delivered from the Dark Side #234

Colossians 1:13-14
For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (NAS)
Galatians 1:4 who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen. (NAS)

“Free at Last” are famous words used by the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in a well-known speech by the same name. Few Christians understand the implications of what true freedom is. You may be one who desires to be secure, but you need to grasp that freedom comes before security. It was necessary for God to set you free from the domain of darkness and transfer you into the Kingdom of His Son in order to make you secure.

It was necessary for God to deliver you from your sins and the present evil age that you live in so that He could make you free. Once you are free you can enjoy and experience the security of belonging to God and His kingdom. God our Heavenly Father has given true freedom and life to all who believe in Christ. That life is a brand new life of true freedom.

It is new because you have been delivered from a life controlled by the dark side; by Satan and his fallen angels. You have been moved from sin’s control to the kingdom of Jesus, God the Father's only Son.  You are in His kingdom because of your faith in the person of Jesus, His death and resurrection. The darkness of sin kept you under the dominion of Satan but through Jesus you have been redeemed. You have had your sins removed and have been forgiven of all sin; past, present, and future. Deliverance is freedom to truly live as God intended. You are free from the penalty, the power and the control of sin in your life. Someday in heaven you will be free from the very presence of sin itself. Right now you are free to live life in the kingdom of His beloved Son.

“Free at Last” is more than a phrase. It is a truth that you can know. Stop seeking to just be secure and make sure you are free. Once you are free you will discover true security in relationship to God through His Son Jesus Christ. Trust Him right now to give you His freedom and He will make you secure. 

___________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from QUARTZITE, AZ, where the air is warm, the ground is dusty, there are campers, RVs, tents, trailers and pickups all over everywhere: and lots of SENIOR ADULTS: not nearly as beautiful as Tempe, AZ. I miss my Starbucks!!

Sandy and I finally arrived in Quartzite on Monday afternoon. We waited until we were sure Justin was ok and I was back from the trip to Carlsbad, NM. 

The trip to Carlsbad was great. We got home around 11:30 on Sunday night. I spent 48 hours with some wonderful Middle School young people. They were just great. I did find out that walking three hours through Carlsbad Caverns is better suited for someone more the age of a Middle schooler than my age. I did make it though. We also climbed around on the sand dunes at White Sands National Monument. What a blast!

It is good to be here in Quartzite. Many of our fellow Campers on Mission's group have given me a bad time about saying, "Greetings from Starbucks" since I am not at Starbucks. So I told them I would tell the truth and greet you from Quartzite. 

Johnny was glad to have baby brother home from the hospital. It comes out more BBBB than Baby Brother, but we know what he means. (see pic)

Bennett was a part of his high school Home Coming Court at Horizon Learning Center. He was very handsome.

God continues to bless Sandy and me. I saw the oncologist on Monday and the report indicates the tumors in my liver are numerous, but stable. There is a new (something) on the tip of the pancreas. It is unknown at this time just what it is. It only measures 7mm. Pray that it is nothing serious. I am OFF THE CHEMO. They decided it was not helping. I am grateful not to have the side effects. Thanks for your prayers. 

Our speaking schedule is growing.
1. We will be speaking at the annual Arizona Mission Service Corp retreat February 4-5.
2. I will be preaching at the Intersect service at 9:30AM on February 17th at First Baptist   Church of Tempe.
3. I am scheduled to preach a revival at a church in Memphis, MO April 21-24. 
4. Sandy will be speaking at the First Christian Church in Globe, AZ on August 18th. 
5. She has also been asked to speak at a Women's Meeting in Meadview, AZ in February of 2014. 
If your church or group needs a speaker Sandy and I would love to share with them. Please contact us. Thanks for your prayers and concern. We appreciate all of you.

May God bless you today and this week with overflowing life and love.  ~ DGW

After all Jesus said, "I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly." 
John 10:10  

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Shepherd #233

1 Peter 2:25
For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls. (NAS)

Have you ever had someone who really took good care of you? It may have been as a child that your parents watched over you and protected you. Maybe you have a best friend that you know is watching out for your well being. What do you call that person? Do you refer to him or her as a caregiver, friend, parent, BFF or some name that relays the meaning of someone special.

God calls himself the Shepherd.  David, the psalmist, declares the Lord is my Shepherd. God often compares people to sheep and those who care for the sheep as shepherds. You may call the person who cares for your church as Pastor or Elder or Shepherd. The Apostle Peter called himself a fellow elder and admonishes fellow elders to; 1 Peter 5:2 “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them.”                

Peter who is an elder of the church and a shepherd of the flock rejoices with the returning of the people to the Shepherd and Guardian of their souls.  Our soul is that part of us that wanders from the Lord through neglect and sin. It is that part of our lives that continually needs nourished and treated with constant care. As we return to the Lord it is He who really cares for us. He is the only one who can adequately be our true Shepherd.

The Book of Isaiah says in chapter 53 verse 6 “All of us like sheep have gone astray,
Each of us has turned to his own way;
But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all
to fall on Him.”

We are sheep that not only needs someone to watch over us, feed us, and care for us; we need someone to remove our sin. It was prophesied in Isaiah that one would come that would take away the iniquity of us all. That one was Jesus. Be thankful that God loved you so much that He provided you with a Savior, Jesus Christ.

Peter reminds the people that it is easy to go astray in sin and rebellion. He reminds them that they were constantly straying but now at last have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of their souls. Would you come to Jesus and allow Him to be your Shepherd and Guardian of your soul. 

____________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

Maybe I should say COLD Tempe. We have broken records for cold weather this past week. A few days it was actually warmer in Chicago than in Tempe. 
We desert rats are not used to cold temperatures. As a matter of fact we don't like it. We live here because it is supposed to be warm. When the temperatures drop into the teens and twenties it is toooo cold. Enough for my complaining about the weather. 

I do have a major prayer request. As of this writing Justin Thomas Koleszar, newest grandson, is in the hospital. He has RSV and has been in the Pediatric Intensive Care for almost a week. Of course our whole family is greatly concerned. Sandy and I have been helping watch Johnny. Mandy has been staying all night with Justin while John stays home with Johnny. Please keep them in your prayers. 

Sandy and I were scheduled to be in Quartzsite beginning the 16th. Needless to say that did not happen. We will wait until Justin is out of the hospital before 

Collin and I are leaving for Carlsbad NM on a field trip on Friday night (18th) at 10PM. We will see the caverns and other educational opportunities and return on 
Sunday night (20th) at 11PM. I will see the oncologist on Monday morning and Lord willing return to Quartzsite for the rest of the week. I will be teaching during the week and preaching on Sunday the 27th in Quartzsite. 

February 4th-5th Sandy and I will be sharing with the Mission Service Corp's annual retreat. The purpose is to encourage the missionaries who serve with Mission Service Corp. They serve in various ministries around AZ. 

February 17th I will be preaching at FBC in the Intersect Service at 9:30AM. The church is beginning a study of Revelation in two weeks. I will be preaching from Revelation chapter 2 on the subject of returning to our first love, Jesus.

Mike Blaine is an old friend, former deacon, and member of Southview Baptist Church in Lincoln, NE. I will be preaching a revival in his church in Memphis, MO April 21-24. I look forward to time with Mike and his wife, Pam, and his church. 

The oncologist felt it necessary to take an MRI of my liver and abdomen again. The chemo I was taking was not helping. So I did not receive it this week. I will not have a report until next week. I will let you know how things went. I would just appreciate your prayers. 

Several of you looked up the blog site last week to check out The Encouragers that were written during the past four years. The blog site is:     Do not subscribe. The site is no longer available for automatic delivery.

If you know someone who would like to receive The Encourager please send me their name and email. I will put them on the list to receive The Encourager.

God bless you. I pray God will bless your week with expressions of love and appreciation. I also pray you will be the giver as well as the receiver of such expressions.  ~ DGW

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Are You Fooled? #232

Galatians 3:1-5  1. You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified? 2 This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? 3 Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? 4 Did you suffer so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain? 5 So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
Try harder!! Keep working at it!! You can do it!! That may be good advice in some arenas but it is not in the life of a Christian. The harder you try the more likely you will fail. The reason for your failure is that it is based on a false premise that you can live the Christian life by your effort, or by keeping all the rules. The Bible says that we are fooled if we think we can.
You began your Christian life by faith in Christ and not by keeping the Law. When you are born again you receive the Holy Spirit by faith. It is foolish to believe that it is now your works that will keep you saved. The Bible says if you began by faith and not by keeping the Law why do you now think you must keep the law to continue.
Paul, the Apostle, was writing to a church that he introduced to Jesus and salvation and he observed them being influenced by a group that taught that it was necessary to keep the Law to be a Christian. The Law he is referring to is the Law of Moses. Salvation he says is accomplished by God’s grace through faith. To remain in God’s grace and to live by faith is God’s plan of salvation. Instead the influence of the Judaizers, as they were called, was to convince the believers to place themselves under the Jewish Law in order to be justified before God.
The Bible makes it quite clear that it is foolish to believe that keeping the Law was necessary to be right with God. The hearing of faith and not the keeping of the Law brought salvation. As a believer what are your depending on to be right with God?
Your human effort and rules keeping does not give you or keep you in a relationship with God. The indwelling Holy Spirit and faith does.                                                                                                                           

__________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

Hope your week was fulfilling. God allowed me to preach again Sunday at Laveen Baptist Church. The church is a little over a thirty minute drive from my home. I left early in order to be at the first service at 8:30 AM. The second service was at 10:05. By the time I drove home I was TIRED!! Took a long afternoon nap and was revived. The sermon is on the web at

If you would like to see past The Encourager from the archive check out

The next couple of weeks will be busy. I am speaking at the Men's Breakfast at First Baptist Church Tempe on Saturday morning January 12th. The Men's Ministry is kicking off several new ministries. The Quartzsite Campers on Mission's ministry begins on January 19th. Sandy and I will be speaking each day from the 20th-27th. It has been one of our favorite ministry highlights for several years. 

February 4th and 5th we will be teaching at the annual Mission Service Corp retreat. It is a time to encourage all the volunteer missionaries in Arizona that work in Southern Baptist Missions. February 17th I will be preaching at the Intersect Service at 9:30 AM at First Baptist Church of Tempe. God has certainly blessed with opportunities to share about Jesus, His Word, and to encourage God's servants through preaching, teaching and writing. 

All five of our grandsons continue to grow. The newest "baby Justin" as we are calling him right now is doing very well. He continues to grow, adding weight and already trying to raise his head. Johnny is BUSY!! He never stops. He can't say Grammie yet so it comes out GRRR. What a great name! 

Burke will have his 12th birthday on January 25th. Collin is a video game expert. Bennett enjoys his music. Tapaw likes naps. Burke and Collin play videos games with one another and Skype on line. The picture was taken at Christmas.

I would appreciate your prayers as I have my next chemo injections on Monday, January 14th. 

The Encourager devotional this week is about how to live by the Spirit and faith and yet how easy it is for us to take our eyes off of God and try our best and only find ourselves failing. I have been restudying the Book of Galatians recently and have been personally encouraged. Read through it. It only takes a few minutes.

I hope God blesses you this week with His power. We have been given God's power. 

Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened...19 and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might 20 which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places...

Love through Christ ~ DGW

Friday, January 4, 2013

Less of Me and More of Him #231

John 3:29-30
New English Translation (NET)
29 The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands by and listens for him, rejoices greatly when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. This then is my joy, and it is complete. 30 He must become more important while I become less important.”
The Jewish wedding was a great festive occasion with days of celebration and a year’s preparation. The custom was to have a betrothal or a year’s engagement before the actual wedding ceremony. The betrothal was celebrated with a feast. The bride and groom were then separated for a year during which time the bride and groom did not communicate directly. The friend of the groom, or best man, became the intermediary for that year.
The bride to be was considered virtually as the wife of the groom. She was to remain faithful to the groom. If she was found to be unfaithful she could be punished with death. When Mary was espoused to Joseph and was found to be with child Joseph could have rejected her and she could have been put to death. He could have gone through a divorce either publicly or privately. He chose instead to marry her.
John the Baptist considered himself the friend of the groom, Jesus. The bride is the church or the people of God. John the Baptist came to announce the coming of the groom. He was the friend who had been responsible for the preparation of the bride for the coming groom.
John the Baptist recognized as the groom, Jesus, came to earth that his purpose was completed. He thus spoke the words, “He must become more important while I become less important.”                                                                         What a great plan for you. Jesus must become more important and you must become less important. Instead of asserting your importance you can bring glory to God by becoming less and allowing Jesus to become more.
The fulfillment of your purpose for life will be in your decision to allow Jesus to become first and foremost in your life. John commented, “This is my joy.”   

________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

Happy New Year!!
I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Now it is time to return to work, school and whatever you were doing just before Thanksgiving. This has been a great time for family, friends, food and fellowship. God has allowed me to preach in several churches during the festive season. I always enjoy meeting new people and renewing acquaintances with others. 

I assume most of you ate way too much and are now making resolutions to lose weight, get on an exercise program and change at least another ten things in your life. You also know you will likely not do any of them. Guess it is just fun to wish you could lose 20 lbs, run five miles, and read a book a week. Have fun. I think I will just continue thanking God I am alive, able to enjoy my family, friends and do a few things that I hope and pray bring glory to God. I never was very good with New Year's resolutions. 

I will be preaching at the Laveen Baptist Church in Laveen, AZ on Sunday the 6th of January. I have been there on several occasions. They are a great church with a super love for one another. Pray for me as I preach both the 8:30AM and 10:05 AM services. January 20-27 Sandy and I will be speaking at the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church in Quartzsite. 

We will be participating with the church and the Campers on Mission Roadrunners during the Rock and Gem show. I will be preaching the Sunday morning service on the 27th. February 4-5 Sandy and I will be teaching at the Mission Service Corp's annual retreat. We will join volunteer missionaries from across Arizona. February 17th I will be preaching at the Intersect Service at 9:30AM at First Baptist Church of Tempe. 

If your church, small group, home Bible study or Sunday School class is looking for a conference, retreat, or a fill in for Sunday services please contact me. I would love to minister to your church or group. 

Sandy and I had such a great time with our family during the month of December. Sandy enjoyed her Christmas gift. We now have three children and two grandsons who celebrate birthdays in December. Collin was 12 on December 28. Johnny learned a new word; PRESENT. He likes to help everyone unwrap their presents. Justin is gaining weight, growing and doing well. We thank God that he is doing so well. 

Thank you for sending cards and emails to update us on how you are doing. It was so enjoyable to read about your family. The pictures many of you sent were a real blessing. 

The old saying is, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." I would add that a nap every afternoon helps get you through the day. I never thought I would ever take naps but sure do enjoy a little snooze in the recliner. 

 In 2013 I do hope and pray your relationship with Jesus grows even greater. May God bless you, your family and your church by a deeper understanding of your relationship with Him. May He reveal even more of Himself to you and may you know Him more each day.  ~ DGW