Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Simple Truths #222

Galatians 1:I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—     7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.
If we lose sight of the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ’s all sufficiency and preeminence then most everything else we do or say is of no value. To have faith in Jesus plus anything else for our faith and life is a diminishing of the finished work of Christ in His life, death, resurrection and second coming. The author of Galatians was facing a church that heard the gospel, received it and then began to see its message erode in the culture and philosophies of the day.

The message of the gospel was simple: Jesus Christ was God come to earth, born in a physical body, lived sinless in that body, and died on the cross. He
arose in a physical body and told His disciples that He would return to earth so that every eye could see His body. His incarnation was a miracle of God. His death on the cross was sufficient to provide love, forgiveness of sin, and reconcile sinful man to a Holy God.

In the church there came an attack upon the gospel. It was probably subtle at first but was beginning to take a foot-hold. The influence of a group known as the Judaizers brought into the church an emphasis on keeping the Mosaic law as a means to forgiveness, holiness and justification.  Jesus was no longer seen as adequate to bring humans into a reconciled relationship with God.

Paul wrote to the church that the need for reconciliation was needed because humans are sinners by nature and by choice. It is sin that separates God and humans. It is the cross and the resurrection that brings God and humans   together. God the Son, Jesus and His finished work is enough. 

____________________Today's personal note from Dennis 

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

What a wonderful week for those of us who live in the West. It was not so good for those who live in the East. I know you are lifting the folks in the Eastern USA in prayer as they face the aftermath of one of the worst storms to ever hit the United States. It appears the future will include a lot of clean up, waiting, and more difficulties. Please join with me in praying that God will use this tragedy for good. Pray for those who have lost loved ones, homes, jobs and so many other things. 

We had a garage sale over the week-end. I have decided that it is way too much work for someone my age. Note that I am not too old to go fishing, but garage sales are a lot of work. Roger, Mandy and Susan all brought some JUNK over to sell. We had a good time together. Don't attempt to get rich selling your junk at a garage sale. At the end I was giving things away just to keep from having to take it somewhere to get rid of it. I did end up with some things that I took to a local Christian thrift store. Don't plan on having another one soon. 

Sandy is about finished teaching her Tuesday morning Bible Study. She has enjoyed teaching. As usual the response has been great. She is such a gifted teacher. She really enjoys involving the people in the class in the discussion. 

I have included some old pictures of the three grandsons. I was looking back through some pictures and realized that they are really growing. I also realized that I am getting older. It gives me a bit of nostalgia to look back through those photos. I really enjoy being a TAPAW. 

Tuesday I had my lab work done. The MRI is scheduled for November 7th and I see the oncologist on November 12th. Please continue to pray for good results. I am feeling good. I have some return of the Carcinoid Syndrome, but not severe. I continue to be grateful and amazed that it has been six and a half years since the doctors found the cancer in my liver. At that time the oncologist told me I had a few months to live. I am still here and praising God for the time I have had with my family, involved in ministry and just enjoying life. GOD IS GOOD!!

In case you haven't noticed we are already into the Holiday Season. It used to be that the holidays started after Thanksgiving. Our stores are already showing Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations all at the same time. Enjoy the Holidays. 

I would love to send The Encourager to someone you think would benefit from the devotionals. Send me their name and email address and I will be glad to put them on the list. 

God bless you this week. May you look to Jesus for your direction and find His plan as you yield your life to Him.  ~ DGW 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What's Your Big Stone #221

Mark 16:1-4 1 Saturday evening, when the Sabbath ended, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went out and purchased burial spices so they could anoint Jesus’ body. 2 Very early on Sunday morning, just at sunrise, they went to the tomb. 3 On the way they were asking each other, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” 4 But as they arrived, they looked up and saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled aside.
The two Marys and Salome made their way to the tomb of Jesus early on Sunday morning. The plan was to anoint the body of Jesus for proper burial. They expressed to one another a worry or concern. “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” They undoubtedly had observed the soldiers blocking the entrance to the tomb with an extremely large stone. Three women knew it was too large for them to move by themselves.
Have you ever felt discouraged because it seemed a BIG STONE was in the way of your accomplishing your goals. Worry is ineffective at moving stones. I heard someone say, “Worry must work because what I was worrying about never happened.” Strange explanation. The women approached the tomb with questions. They not only were concerned about how to remove the stone, but what they would find inside. They had watched Jesus as He was crucified. They were aware of the crown of thorns, the spear-pierced side, and the piercing caused by the nails.
Their goal was to prepare Jesus for the burial that was required by their faith and for the honor they desired to give to their departed leader. As they approached the tomb they observed the stone had already been rolled away. The worry of moving a stone was gone. God had rolled away the stone. Maybe it is time you began to realize that God will roll away your stone. He can move the obstacles to your life.
More than the stone which the angels rolled away was the miracle they found inside. Jesus was not there either. He had risen from the dead. He was alive. Worry and fretting mean nothing to a living Savior. You can have more than just a stone removed from your pathway. You can have life through Jesus’ death and resurrection. You need not worry about eternity. He arose to give you eternal life. 

_________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

Sandy and I had a marvelous weekend with the Grace Community Church camping crew. The fellowship was sweet. The scenery was beyond words. The food made for smiles and full stomachs. The Roosevelt Lake was really low. The ranger told us it is just at 40% full. All the pictures this week are from the area. The picture of me with the cactus is taken from our campsite. It was nice to get up in the morning to a sight like that. Sandy and I hiked to the Salado Indian ruins. It was a major hike but worth the trip. The picture of me and Sandy and of Sandy by herself was taken on the trail. 

Several International students from ASU were along. I so enjoy meeting people from around the world. The picture of Sandy and me with them shows the fun we all had. Grace Community Church has a ministry with the Internationals. One of the couples at GCC work with ISI (International Students Inc). They do a great job of sharing the gospel with the students on campus as well as some who have recently graduated. 

I will be teaching the SALT class on Sunday morning at FBC Tempe. The class is an evangelism training class. I am looking forward to sharing with them how to share their faith. I will then be preaching Sunday night in the 6PM service at FBC Tempe. It will be a great day. My next speaking engagement will be in Quartzsite in January. 

This week one of our senior adult friends passed away. Ruth Strong was 93 years old in September. Sandy and I have known both her and her husband, Marion since we were in Nebraska. They were members of Southview Baptist Church in Lincoln beginning in 1976. They have been like second grandparents to our kids for all these 36 years. I will be preaching her memorial service on November 1st. Please pray for me. It will be a difficult service for me. I know myself well enough to know that it will be hard not to weep as I share in her service. 

Mandy continues to do well. I so appreciate your prayers and concern for her and the baby, and for John also. She will be 28 weeks on Saturday. We are praying that she will make it to at least week 32 and would like to see her go full term. She is working, but with reduced hours. 

It is at this time of year that we know why live in beautiful Arizona. The weather is ideal. The early mornings, my time of day, is perfect at about 65 degrees. It makes it easy for me to sit outside at Starbucks and enjoy my coffee. Come join me.

God continues to bless us with His amazing grace. I feel absolutely wonderful. I will be honest, three weeks ago I wasn't so sure what was going to happen. I do have lab work done at the end of the month and an 

MRI November 7th. I see the oncologist on November 12th. I will let you know about the results. Just keep praying. 

I do pray for you. I pray God will bless your life with His presence and His blessings. I pray your worries will be turned into joy as you allow God to be your strength. Remember God can roll back the stone. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Words of Jesus #220

Matthew 19:26 And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (NAS)
The pastor was waxing eloquent. His words of wisdom flowed from his mouth. He began a story of his own experience to illustrate the message he was preaching. A little boy sitting next to his grandmother leaned over and whispered to her, “Grandma is he telling the truth or is he just preaching.”
Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between the truth and just words that flow from our lips. That is certainly not true of Jesus. He declared Himself to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Truth did proceed from Jesus words. The New Testament is replete with the words of Jesus and the truth they contain. The red letters found in some Bible’s are the words of Jesus.
It is a wonderful encouragement as well as a challenge to read those words and realize that Jesus spoke them for our benefit, admonishment, encouragement, and correction. Although, All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;” (NAS) the words of Jesus have special meaning to you as you realize He Himself said them to meet the needs of the moment as well as your needs.
John 6:20 But He *said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.” (NAS)
John 5:6b He *said to him, “Do you wish to get well?”
Luke 8:25 “Where is your faith?”
Luke 8:48 “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”
Jesus’ words are as applicable for you today as they were for the people He encountered while on earth. As you read those red-lettered words remember Jesus said them to you. You are blessed to have the words of the One you follow and love. Read them often.

________________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

Last week was a wonderful week!! Sandy and I finished our R&R in Payson, AZ. We enjoyed our time in the beauty of the area. The Lord sent a marvelous winter storm, rain, lightening, and all the trimmings. For those of us who live in the deserts of AZ those things are so refreshing. Sandy was not able to do her usual bird-watching, because the birds hunkered down somewhere to ride out the weather. 

We returned to a busy week-end. Saturday morning I spoke to the Men's Ministry of FBC Tempe. It was their fall kickoff. I so enjoyed sharing with the men our vision for men's ministry. Pastor Roger requested that I share my journey with cancer. My topic was simply, "What God has taught me through my experience of having cancer. I do hope and pray that the men were encouraged. None of us know what may come our way at any time, and God can use any and everything for good. 

Sunday morning I taught our Sunday School class. I finished a two part study on: "The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer." I have a great concern that so many believers have no idea what it means to have the Holy Spirit living IN them. Sandy had a break this past week from her teaching because of the school fall break. She is back teaching on Tuesday October 16th. 

Friday and Saturday this week we will join the Grace Community Church for a week-end camping trip. I will be speaking at the Sunday worship at Roosevelt Lake. 

Sunday October 28th I will be teaching the SALT class at FBC Tempe. It is an evangelism class. The evening service on that day I will be preaching from the Book of Philippians. I look forward to sharing in all of these instances. God has been faithful to open opportunities for Sandy and me to teach and preach. Our next scheduled ministry, at this time, is the annual Quartzsite Gem and Rock show in January. If your church or group is looking for a speaker Sandy and I are both available. 

Continue to pray for our daughter, Mandy. She is now into her 27th week of pregnancy. She is experiencing some contractions from time to time. It is still way to early for the baby to be born. Pray that she is able to carry this baby. We are praying and believing God knows about all the needs and will care for all concerned. 

People still request to be placed on The Encourager mailing list. If you know someone who would be encouraged by receiving this weekly email please send me their name and email. I will make sure they receive it. 

Please pray for my upcoming lab work and MRI. The lab work is scheduled for the last week of October and the MRI on November 7th. I see the oncologist with the results on November 12th. 

May God bless you this week with a renewed relationship with Jesus. He desires a loving relationship with you.  ~ DGW

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Real Life #219

Ephesians 5:18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit,
The writer of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul, was very familiar with the Greek culture including their religious beliefs. In this verse he eludes to one of their gods named Bacchus or Dionysius. He was the god of wine, and revelry. Wikipedia describes him this way:
“He was so named because of the frenzy he induces. He is also the Liberator, whose wine, music and ecstatic dance frees his followers from self-conscious fear and care, and subverts the oppressive restraints of the powerful. Those who partake of his mysteries are possessed and empowered by the god himself.”  
The ancient Greeks did not understand the chemical results of intoxication, but they did know that when wine was ingested the person would act differently and talk differently. Their explanation was a god took over their lives. In this case the god of wine and revelry, Bacchus. Paul called this drunkenness dissipation or hypocrisy. It was not real life.
Paul’s answer to the Greeks was God the Holy Spirit. He also filled the believer. He also took control of the recipient by possessing and empowering the believer. He was the true liberator who truly set free, the one filled with the Holy Spirit, the Christian from self-conscious fear and care. He likewise was the “one who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
The Bible says we are not to be drunk with wine, or have anything to do with the false gods that try to duplicate life and freedom, but we are to be filled with God Himself. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. He is real life. It is the Holy Spirit that produces the fruit of the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
As you yield and submit your life to the Holy Spirit who lives within you God will fill you with His Spirit. By faith you respond to the word of Ephesians 5:18 to be filled with the Spirit. The result is a life that makes us walk and talk differently. It is not dissipation or hypocrisy, but real life. Why not ask God to fill you with His Spirit right now?

_________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

I do hope your week has been filled with joy and peace. Isn't God good to give us times when the trials and difficulties of life take a vacation and we are surrounded by the beauty of life. This has been a good week for me. My Dad is doing well. My little grandson decided to wait a while to be born. Mandy is doing well. Sandy and I attended a band concert that Collin participated in at his school. (see pic) It was great. Bennett turned 15. It seems just like last year when he was born. Time really passes quickly. We celebrated on Friday night with a great meal. The birthday cake was a grasshopper pie; Bennett's request. (see pic) 

Sunday I had the privilege of speaking to the Watchman's Sunday School class. The topic was "The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer." I only covered less than half of my notes. What a great topic. I believe most Christians are unaware of the fact that the Holy Spirit lives IN them. What an incredible thought, but what a more incredible experience. One of my burdens is that Christians understand the third person of the trinity and begin to live in God's victory through Him. I will be teaching one more week. It is such a joy for me to share God's word.

Sandy and I met at Southwest Baptist College (now University) on October 7, 1964. That was 48 years ago. I am so grateful to God for that wonderful day.She is still the love of my life and my best friend. We are taking some time this week for a little R&R. Really looking forward to getting away for a few days. 

A group from Grace Community Church here in Tempe have scheduled a camping trip for October 19-21. They have asked Sandy and I to go along with them.They have requested that I speak at the Sunday worship service. It is always fun to go camping and especially with the GCC group. 

I will be having all my regular lab work, MRI and other tests at the end of the month. The Lord has been so good to me by allowing me to feel well. I think the tests will show things are going well. I do ask you to continue to pray that the tests will have good results. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your prayers and concern. This past month was difficult, but I am feeling quit well now. 

Thanks again for your prayers and concern. GOD IS GOOD!!!

May God bless you this week with new and renewed relationships.  ~ DGW