Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Holy Attraction #182

Luke 15:11-13
11 And He said, "A certain man had two sons;
12 and the younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of the estate that falls to me.' And he divided his wealth between them.
13 "And not many days later, the younger son gathered everything together and went on a journey into a distant county, and there he squandered his estate with loose living."

In the story of the prodigal son we find a young man who decides he wants to "do his own thing", be his own boss, live his life apart from his loving father.

A man by the name of Kenneth Bailey, a Presbyterian researcher and lecturer in the Middle East, for over 40 years has asked people from Morocco to India and from Turkey to Sudan about the implications of a son requesting his inheritance while his Fat
her was still living. The answer has been the same; his informal survey has gone
something like this:
"Has anyone ever made such a request in your village?"
"Could anyone ever make such a request?"
"If anyone did, what would happen?"
"His father would beat him, of course!"
"The requests means that he wants his father dead."

Normally after signing over his possessions to his son, the father still is entitled to live of the proceeds because the younger son in this parable demands and gets full use of the inheritance before the father's death. the implication is as though the boy said, "Father, I would rather you were dead." The Father could have shamed his son, beat him, physically restrained him from leaving. But, very matter of fact the father divided his property and gave it to the son.

Isn't this how we treat God? We demand what we think is owed us and then we proceed to go our own way. In our own self-centered way we communicate the message,
"Father, I would rather you were dead." But in this beautiful parable we see a God Moment - a moment of Holy Attraction. That is exactly what the prodigal son had when he found himself in the pigpen.

Luke 15:17 says, "But when he came to his senses, he said, "How many of my father's hired men have more than enough bread, but I am dying here with hunger!' He had a God Moment of Holy Attraction.

Every time you have avoided the trap of sin...every incidence in which you opted for high moral standards...every decision for purity...every lovely thought... is a God Moment of Holy Attraction. To discover moments of Holy Attraction you will need to take a look at those moments in which you resisted God's way the most. Those imps when you totally rebelled against your loving Father. The only way the prodigal son found his way home was because of an irresistible attraction to home!

How do you uncover your moments of Holy Attraction? Those times when you also 'came to your senses'. Are you being attracted to HOME today? Why not come home to the Father?

_______________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Quartzsite, AZ,

Sandy and I have had a great week in Quartzsite. We have experienced wonderful fellowship from fellow Campers On Missions folks. We have shared in terrific music and preaching services. We have eaten wonderful food from the great servants at Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church. It has been good to see friends from the past.

I discovered there is no Starbucks within 20 miles so I located another coffee shop. Sandy and I both taught Bible Studies during the week. It was a blessing to share God's Word with such receptive folks. Sandy found time to do some shopping for ROCKS. WOW!!

Each day we spend time in the booths passing out bottles of water and sharing the good news of Christ with anyone who will listen. We also invited the people we met to the revival at night. Many of them came and heard the story of Jesus again.

Sandy and I will be going back to Tempe on Friday morning after Sandy teaches the Bible lesson. As always we are eager to get back home. We both enjoy staying in our camper trailer but there is nothing like our own bed in our own home.
Sandy will be back teaching at her Tuesday morning class at First Baptist Church next Tuesday. I will be speaking to a Men's Breakfast at Grace Community Church on Saturday February 4th at 8:30 AM.

God continues to bless our lives and our ministry. We request you continue to pray for us. Your prayers and encouragement keeps us going. Thanks so much.

I have an appointment with the oncologist on February 20th. Before that date I will have labs taken and a CT Scan. Pray for good results.
Pray for our upcoming ministry opportunities. Sandy's Bible Study, Men's Breakfast, Possible mission trip to Uganda and South Sudan, and revival in Lebanon, MO. Thanks. You are a vital part of our lives and our ministry.

You are greatly appreciated. ~ DGW

Monday, January 16, 2012

Where Do You Belong? #181

1 John 1:7 But is we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

One of the most popular names for a church in the twenty-first century is "So and So" Community Church. The word community seems to lend itself to the meaning and sense of belonging. One of the greatest needs of humanity is to belong. What does a church with authentic, genuine community look like? The Biblical word that may best describe that kind of community is fellowship.

As we walk in the light of God's revelation to us of Himself through His Son Jesus Christ and we in turn relate to others with that some revelation we have fellowship. We have authentic community. q. We admit we cannot function effectively by ourselves. 2. We admit that we are not more or less important than anyone else. 3. We admit that not takes work to fulfill the unity we have in Christ. 4. We admit that we need to use our gifts in ministry to and with one another.

We all need a church where we can express our unity and community. We heed to remember that real community is not people in close contact, but people closely connected. Where are you connected with other believers? Where do you exercise your giftedness to serve others?

The scripture is clear about our need to be together in unity We are to accept one another as Christ has accepted us. We are to love one another, forgive one another, be devoted to one another, bear with one another, serve one another, submit to and admonish one another, and even confess our sins to one another.

It is not likely outside of an authentic, lifestyle community of believers that these things will happen. It is so vitally important to your own relationship with God to be involved in a church where these qualities exist.

If you are not a part of a church like this, or a church period, why not find one this wek. God desires our worship. We need God and we need one another.

Philippians 2:
1 So if there is any encouragement tin Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy,
2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.
3 do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Become a part of an authentic Biblical community now. You will be glad you did.

___________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ,

What a wonderful day to be alive and share the life of Christ with you. I am so grateful that God has allowed us the privilege of being His children, loved and cared for by King
of the Universe. WOW!

I pray you have had a great week. Time seems to be passing quickly. It was only a few weeks ago I was looking forward to preaching on January 15th and now that is past. Sandy and I leave for Quartzsite on Wednesday, so some of you get this early and some of you will receive The Encourager after we arrive in Quartzsite. The ten days we
are there will be filled with great fellowship with the Campers on Mission Team, the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church, and lots of friends from across the country.

days will begin with breakfast together and then Sandy and I will lead devotionals each morning.
Pray for our time of sharing from God's word. We will then fan out across the Gem and Rock show area to share our faith with anyone who will, pass out bottles of water, and
pray with many who share needs with us. Please pray for us as we minister to people's needs.

I will be speaking at a Men's Pancake Breakfast at Grace Community Church on February 4th. Pray for my preparation and for the men at grace who will hear the message on that morning.

Sandy continues her Tuesday morning Bible Study at First Baptist Church of Tempe. She is teaching on a topic of which she is real familiar: When Life is Hard." It is a video
series by James MacDonald. One week she teaches, the next the class watches the video. The women at our church are really enjoying the study.

I am still praying for the possible mission trip to Uganda and South Sudan. Please join me in praying for right decisions and especially for health. I am praying that God give
very clear direction concerning the trip. I would be teaching in a pastor's school training pastors in everything from preaching to caring for their congregation's needs.

April 29-May 2 I will be leading a revival meeting in Lebanon, MO. My friend, former college roommate, and fellow pastor Roger Marshall is the pastor. We have been friends for nearly 50 years. Sandy and I named our son, Roger, after him. This will also be a trip that will give me an opportunity to see my Dad and brother and other
relatives and friends in Eldon, MO.

Thanks for all your prayers and concerns. I am so grateful for God's watch care and your friendship. I have truly been blessed. Five years ago this month I was asked by my friend,
blessed. Five years ago this month I was asked by my
Mike Jones, to go fishing in Mexico. I am so glad I went. At that time I was undergoing Chemotherapy and my oncologist said after I asked him about missing a chemo treatment that he thought it would do me more good to go fishing. The picture is one of the many, many fish I caught. At that time no one expected me to live this long. I thank God He did1

God bless you this week. May He give you grace to see you through every situation. May He show you His love through those He puts into your life. ~ DGW

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dead is Good! #180

Romans 4:19-21
19 And without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb;
20 yet with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God,
21 and being fully assured that what He had promised, He was able also to perform. (NAS)

Faith almost always is tested. Has your faith been tested? Can you imagine how Abraham must have felt after moving from Ur to the land of Canaan, have a promise of a child and then a promise to be the father of many nations and then have no child and your wife is ninety years old and you are one hundred. Now that is a real test of faith. It could also be called the 'death of a vision'. Let me assure you that if God is in something then the death will occur in order for God to get the glory. He likes to do the miraculous in order to bring glory to Himself.

It is then that you need to learn to face whatever comes your way, but do not lose sight of the promise that God gave you. Abraham even though faced with the impossible did not become weak in his faith. He did not give up. He did not waver in unbelief, but instead grew stronger which gave God all the glory.

You don't have to hide the facts of a situation from your faith. Admit the impossibility. Recognize the ultimate solution is God. True faith grows stronger when confronted with the impossibilities. Presumption gives up and gives in to it. Don't allow facts to intimidate your faith or you will not believe.

Jesus said, "All things are possible to him who believes." (Matthew 9:23) Your true faith is not in what you se but in a God who is faithful to fulfill his promises. His purpose for you is that you glorify Him. He does that through His faithfulness and your faith in Him.

______________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ.

Hope this week has been a blessing in spite of what you what you may have experienced. Sometimes things are not as we always desire.

We have had the privilege of having Bob and Pat Moser in our home this week. We topped off the week by eating some of Pat's famous cinnamon rolls. What a treat. I feel sorry for those of you who have never had the joy of biting into one of those delicious treats.

Sandy has begun her Tuesday morning Bible Study. She is such a good teacher and enjoys sharing with women her knowledge and life experiences. We are grateful for our church allowing her the privilege of teaching.

Sunday morning January 15th I will be preaching at the First Southern Baptist Church of Phoenix. Sunday night I will preach at the First Baptist Church of Tempe. I so look forward to preaching God's word. I would really appreciate your prayers for my preparation and my presentation. I pray
that God will use me for His glory and that the message will be communicated with clarity. I know His word never returns void.

On Wednesday January 18th we head to Quartzsite for the annual Gem and Rock Show. Pray for us as we share devotionals with the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church and the Campers on Mission Roadrunners. We will also be sharing our faith, praying for people needs and doing any ministry we can during the week to the people who come to the events.

Continue to pray for the potential mission trip to Uganda and Southern Sudan. Many things have to fall into place. Maybe the most important is my health. I will not know about the Doctors opinion until mid February. I will have tests at the end of January and first of February. Those tests will likely determine what God wants me to do. Ultimately I will trust God will lead one way or another and that I will know His will concerning this trip.

I pray God will bless your life with His presence, power, love and grace. He is so good. How grateful I am for His grace. When I recognize our unworthiness it overwhelms me that He still loves me. It is only by His grace, mercy and love that any of us life this abundant life. Praise the Name of the Lord.

Have a great week. God Bless. ~ DGW

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Real Marathon #179

Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. (NLT)

Witnesses surround us. They are a large crowd. Who are they? To what do they witness? Hebrews 12 begins with the word, "therefore" which refers to what was written before. Chapter 11 is about the great people of faith that were witnesses to a life of faith.

The verse obviously does not refer to people looking over the edge of heaven and watching all who are currently living. If that were the case then heaven would cease to be heaven. For in heaven there is no tears or sorrow. If people in heaven could see what was happening on earth it would no longer be heaven. The witness is the life of faith that they lived.

Two qualities are observed in their lives. The first is faith itself. The examples in chapter 11 tell of the heroic deeds of faith lived by these witnesses. The second quality is endurance. They were not only people with great faith but they endured hardship and ridicule, but never received the promises of God and yet they continued to believe.

The writer of Hebrews encourages you to a life of faith, by admonishing you to remove any encumbrance that would hinder your walk of faith. The writer uses the analogy of a runner who wears only the bare necessities of clothing in order to not slow down their speed and endurance. The author reminds you to lay aside anything that hinders you and especially the sin that so easily entangles you. You likely have something that continually bogs you down and becomes a stumbling block to your faith. It interrupts your endurance. Set it aside. Remove it from your life. The fight of faith is not easy. It takes continual dependence upon the Holy Spirit to give you the power and discipline to live by faith and to endure life and its difficulties.

You have a great crowd of witnesses whose lives were an example of faith and endurance. Run your race realizing there are those who have gone before you.

__________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ.,

Happy and Blessed New Year to all of you. I do pray 2012 is a great year. Remember that "if God is for you no one can be against you" Romans 8:31. I do believe God is for His children and will guide us and direct us into this New Year.

I am a bit glad the whole holiday season is over. I find I was a bit tired after all the birthdays and Christmas. We celebrated the last birthday of the year this past week as Collin turned 11 years old. We are very proud of his accomplishments. He is a great and wonderful Grandson. Of course I have four of those.

Sandy and I have many ministry opportunities this year already. We need your prayers for strength, preparation, God's total leadership, and the filling of God's Holy Spirit.
Please pray for these things specifically.

1. Sandy's weekly Bible Study at First Baptist Church on Tuesday mornings at 9AM. She enjoys teaching and enjoys the ladies at our church.

2. I will be having several areas of needed prayer for opportunities to preach.
a. Preaching at First Southern Baptist Church of Phoenix on January 15th at 10:30 AM.
b. Preaching at First Baptist Church ofTempe on January 15th at 6 PM.
c. Sandy and I both will be teaching at Quartzsite during the Rock and Gem show at the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church. January 18-28th.
d. Preaching at First Baptist Church of Tempe on March 4th at 9:30 AM Intersect Service.
e. Please pray for an opportunity I have to teach at a Pastor's school in Uganda, Africa in March. This will include two weeks in Uganda and one week in Southern Sudan. This will require a lot of preparation, finances and physical and spiritual strength. One of the items on my 'bucket list' is to go on another mission trip overseas.
f. Preaching a revival at Second Baptist Church of Lebanon, MO April 29-May 2.

3. Pray for continued good health. Although I still have a malignant tumor in my liver I feel quite good. I will have CT scans and lab work done at the end of January. Pray for
a good report.

It has been so good to have heard from so many of you at Christmas time. You mean a lot to us and we praise God for you. May God continue to bless your life and ministries. May he guide you with his love, mercy and grace. HE IS GOOD!!

Thanks again for your prayers, love, concern and support. ~ DGW