Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pleasing God #223

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. (NAS)
Is it your desire to please God? The Bible is filled with references to pleasing God. It seems that it is not only the desire of God’s creation to please Him, but it is God’s desire that you please Him. The way of pleasing God begins with faith. It is impossible to please God without faith.
The beginning of faith is simply to believe that He is. God calls Himself the “I AM.” That means He is. He exists. He is being. Your first step to pleasing Him is to accept the truth and reality that God is. Believing that He is gives you the assurance of things hoped for and conviction of things not seen. Those two things define and identify faith. Faith is the assurance and the conviction or confidence.
What are you facing in your life right now that requires faith? It would be easy to say, everything. All of life is to be lived by faith; by believing not only that God is, but that He is the rewarder of those who seek Him. It pleases God that you seek Him, His ways, His will, and a relationship with Him. God loves you and wants to reward your life as you place your faith in Him.
No matter what you are experiencing in your personal life, the life of your family, your church, community, or friends God desires to reward you because of your faith. Faith means you are believing God, trusting God, depending on God and pleasing Him.
It also means you are loving God, listening to Him, obeying Him, and walking with Him. Faith means you are seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness. Faith means you are following His principles and priorities.
Faith affects every aspect of your life. It begins by believing that He is, and is followed by a life of faith. Why not place your faith in God today? He does love you, sent Jesus to die on the cross for you, raised Jesus from the dead and offers you eternal life by faith in Him.
_____________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

I was waxing the camper this week. Johnny decided to help me. (see pic) He also found climbing the ladder was a fun experience. He never got beyond the first step, which is probably good. He reminds me how we try new things. It seems everyday he tries something new. I had a psychiatrist friend who told me that doing something new is good for your mental health. Johnny must have great mental health. Mandy was back in the hospital this week with contractions again. She is only 29 weeks along so please pray that this little boy will wait a while to be born. 

We have lot of candy at our house. Sandy bought candy for our trick or treaters and Collin went trick or treating and brought more home. I have to walk fast past the big bowl of candy to keep from eating a couple of those little snickers as I pass by. Burke, Bennett, John, Johnny, Mandy and Collin all dressed up for Halloween. Sandy and I sat home a passed out candy to the neighbor kids. 

I have a preliminary report on my recent tests. The lab work is wonderful. The only negative reports dealt with the Serotonin level and the Chromogranin A level. They are called tumor markers. They measure the output of the Carcinoid tumors in the liver. I will not know until next week about the MRI results. The MRI will show the growth of the tumors since the last report. I appreciate your prayers. These tests are the only way to really tell what is happening. I thank God that I feel well; only minor issues. 

Sandy only has a couple of weeks left in her Bible study for this fall. She has enjoyed teaching and I am sure the ladies at First Baptist Church have gained a great deal from her teaching. I have a break right now in speaking. Our next ministry project will be in Quartzsite at the rock and gem show. We will be teaching and also doing street evangelism. I will remain after the week is over and preach at the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church on Sunday. 

Several of you sent me someone's email to put on The Encourager list. Thanks. If you know of someone who would enjoy reading The Encourager please send me their name and email address and I will add them. 

I so appreciate your prayers and concerns. I was able to share my testimony with several people this week. One of those was one of my doctors. I was able to tell him about my salvation and about Jesus. He was very receptive. God is so good. I thank Him daily that I am alive and able to share His story. 

May God bless you this week with faith.   ~  DGW 

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