Thursday, April 24, 2008

Selfish Without Him #8

Philippians 2:5 “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.” (NAS)

Ever hear someone say, “Boy, they sure have an attitude.” Normally that is not a compliment because it is insinuated that the person has a bad attitude. Actually attitude can be very different from one person to another. The scripture encourages us to have the attitude of Jesus.

Life is filled with relationships. From the relationship of parents and children, husbands and wives, friends, and many others we exist in relationship with others. Words such as encouragement, love, fellowship, affection, compassion are used in Philippians 2:1 to describe the essence of our relationship with Christ and people. The basis of a fruitful, fulfilling life is our attitude toward other people.

Jesus is our supreme example of how those relationships function in God’s way. The key word is “unselfish.” It is no wonder we have so many struggles. We are basically selfish to the core without Jesus. We are encouraged in Philippians 2:2-4 to be unselfish. The need is the expression of one mind, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. We are to have an attitude of humility which is an unselfish mindset. That attitude thinks of others before thinking of yourself, and watches out for the interests of others before yourself.

Our example is Jesus who though He was God became a man, a servant and gave Himself in death on the cross in order that we might truly live. Our attitude should be like Jesus.

Why not try today to think of others before you think of yourself. Your attitude just might change your behavior and may have a major change, for the positive, in your relationships. TRY IT!!

I hope you find purpose for your life today as you grow in Christ. May God bless you as your spiritual life prospers in Jesus.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

God Uses People #7

The Apostle Paul was stoned at Lystra and left for dead. He finally got up and went on. The story in Acts seems to fit the timetable of 2 Corinthians 12. If this is so it stands to reason that Paul did have an experience of death and then resuscitated. If so he speaks of the unspeakable.
He also says in order to keep him from bragging about that experience God gave him a weakness.

The process by which God made him weak was described as a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me. The word messenger is angel or demon. To buffet means to be beat up, or pounded on. That is great description of our weakness. It beats up on or pounds on us. We experience attacks and are vulnerable to attack and recurrences of weakness.

The purpose of the weakness was to keep him from being boastful or proud. Our pride is probably the greatest detriment to the work of God in all of us. “God gives grace to the humble.” “Exalt yourself and I will humble you.” Let me assure you that in spite of your weakness that God is in control. He is very aware of your weaknesses and has provided grace (His divine enablement) to see us through. Paul goes Italicso far as to brag about his weakness. Not for the purpose of glorifying himself or his weakness but to show the amazing power of God’s grace.

At some point all of us are broken, damaged, cracked and imperfect. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden the core of humanity was dismantled. Sin left its mark. Sin left humanity with shame, guilt, fear, blame, loneliness, anger, and powerlessness. These weaknesses caused us to become dependent upon God. We need to receive the thorn in our flesh as a gift from God. The Message translates the thorn in the flesh as ‘gift of a handicap.’

We serve and minister out of weakness. We are all struggling with our humanness. No wonder Paul wrote to the Philippians, “I can do all things through Christ who gives strength to me.” He realized it was Jesus and not him that overcame his weaknesses to show forth the power and the glory of Christ.

Most people remind me of an eighteen year old behind the wheel of his car. Nothing can ever happen to me I am invincible. Get real. We are weak. We are apart from God, a train wreck looking for a place to happen. I was told in seminary to not let my church folks know about my weaknesses. Let me tell you a secret. They already did. So does God and only by His grace are you acceptable.

Did you ever take a look at the Bible crew that God used? Moses stuttered and disobeyed. David committed adultery, lied and committed murder. John Mark deserted his mission. Timothy worried a lot. Hosea’s wife was a prostitute. Amos was just a farmer. Jacob was a liar. Naomi was a widow. Paul was a persecutor. Jonah ran from God. Gideon and Thomas were doubters.
Jeremiah stayed depressed and suicidal. Elijah was burned out and was depressed. Martha was a worry wart. Noah got drunk and committed incest. Solomon was rich and a sex addict. Abraham and Sarah were too old. Peter was afraid. Lazarus was dead and a host of Biblical characters struggled with a temper.

Yet God in His grace used them. The process by which God made you dependent upon Him is your own personal weakness. The great lesson Paul learned through his weakness was that “when I am weak then I am strong.” The reason he was strong in weakness was because he became so dependent upon God that the grace of God became his strength.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Change! #6

Need a change in your life for the better? Have some habits, wrong behavior, stinking thinking, bad decisions or maybe down right sin in your life that needs a turn in God’s direction? The Apostle Paul gives us some insight into the “how to of change.”

Paul spends three chapters in Ephesians showing us that we are new people in Christ when we by faith receive Him as our Savior and Lord. Then he makes the application to daily life in the next three. He assumes we are new. He also assumes we still struggle with our flesh. Thus he says: Ephesians 4:17 “With the Lord’s authority let me say this: Live no longer as the ungodly do, for they are hopelessly confused.” (NLT)

The walk of the believer is a ‘no longer’ walk. But how do you change? Is it even possible? I find defeated Christians who have given up on the power of the Holy Spirit to change their lives. I hope you haven’t and that this may help you.

1. Believe you can.
Ephesians 4:21-24 ”Since you have heard all about Him and have learned the truth that is in Jesus, throw off you old evil nature and your former way of life, which is rotten through and through, full of lust and deception. Instead, there must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes. You must display a new nature because you are a new person, created in God’s likeness—righteous, holy, and true.” (NLT)

You can change because you already are changed. Your thoughts and actions need to catch up with your identity. You are holy, righteous and true. Do you believe that or do you think of yourself as horrible, bad, and full of lies and deception? The first change must be in your thoughts. Stinking thinking produces stinking behavior and negative attitudes result in negative actions.

2. Make right choices.
Ephesians 4:25 “so put away all falsehood and tell your neighbor the truth because you
belong to each other.”
For the next eight verses Paul reminds you that you need to make right choices. He makes it quite clear that those choices are made through the power of God’s Holy
Spirit. He says to chose truth over lies, taking control of your temper, working and giving instead of stealing, encouraging words as opposed to abusive language, being kind to one another instead of bitterness, rage, anger and harsh words, forgiveness instead of grudges. You may think you cannot do this and on your own you cannot.

3. Be dependent upon the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 5:22 “let the Holy Spirit fill and control you.” I like to think about the truth that we are totally dependent upon God’s spirit to think correctly and live godly lives. God did not create you to live without dependence upon Him for everything. If you want to change He is the change agent. Lean on the Lord. You are involved, but the real power is from Him.

I hope you find purpose for your life today as you grow in Christ. May God bless you as your spiritual life prospers in Jesus.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Growing in Christ #5

Our relationship with God in Christ is a growing relationship. The Bible admonishes us to, “Grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18 In order to help or be involved in growing spiritually several things are needed. This list is certainly not inclusive, but I do pray will be a motivation for you to grow.

1. Gain understanding of your position in Christ. The first two chapters of Ephesians are especially helpful for this understanding. You died with Christ on the cross and arose with Him in the resurrection and stand in His grace.

2. Grow in your love for God’s word. The Bible is an amazing instruction book for life. Through its words you can gain knowledge, be reproved or correcting and receive training for a life of righteousness. The end result is that you will be ready for the life that pleases God.

3. Act on the spiritual disciplines. You are no doubt spending time in prayer, Bible study, worship, service, worship, and ministry. You may even be fasting, spending time in solitude with God and other areas of spiritual discipline. May I suggest you also practice the disciplines of humility and brokenness, submission and surrender. God’s Holy Spirit must be in control
of our lives for spiritual growth to occur. Yieldedness to Him is a necessary spiritual discipline.

4. Allow God to conform you to the image of Christ. Romans 8:29 Paul says that God determined ahead of time that we should be conformed to the image of Christ. If being like Jesus is important to our spiritual growth then only as we yield to Him can that happen. It is not “what would Jesus do” and then try to do it. We yield to Christ and He works in and through us. Growth is not action as much as it is conformity brought about by surrender.

5. The last area of growth is our dependence on one another. We need to embrace the body of Christ. Each of us is a part of His body by new birth. Over 30 times in the New Testament the Bible speaks of “one another.” Whether it is love, serve, forgive, encourage, exhort, admonish or submit to one another it is obvious that we are not in this Christian life alone. We need one another. Growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ includes growing together. Embracing the fellow believers God places in our lives is a vital aspect of spiritual growth.

I hope you find purpose for your life today as you grow in Chris

Our Choices and God's Power in Us - #4

Acts 13:14-15
"Brothers if you have any word of encouragement for me, come and give it!"

Need a change in your life for the better? Have some habits, wrong behavior, stinking thinking, bad decisions or maybe down right sin in your life that needs a turn in God's direction? The Apostle Paul gives us some insight into the "how to of change."

Paul spends three chapters in Ephesians showing us that we are new people in Christ when we by faith receive Him as our Savior and Lord. Then he makes the application to daily life in the next three. He assumes we are new. He also assumes we still struggle with our flesh. Thus he says: Ephesians 4:17 "With the Lord's authority let me say this: Live no longer as the ungodly do, for they are hopelessly confused." (NLT) The walk of the believer is a 'no longer' walk. But how do you change? Is it even possible? I find defeated Christians who have given up on ever changing. I hope you have not given up and that this may help you.

1. Believe you can.

Eph 4:21-24 "Since you have heard all about Him and have learned the truth that
is in Jesus, throw off you old evil nature and your former way of life, which
is rotten through and through, full of lust and deception. Instead, there must
be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes. You must display a new
nature because you are a new person, created in God's likeness-righteous, holy,
and true." (NLT)

You can change because you already are changed. Your thoughts and actions need to catch up with your identity. You are holy, righteous and true. Do you believe that or do you think of yourself as horrible, bad, and full of lies and deception?
The first change must be in your thoughts. Stinking thinking produces stinking behavior and negative attitudes result in negative actions.

2. Make right choices.

Eph 4:25 "so put away all falsehood and tell your neighbor the truth because you
belong to each other." (NLT)

For the next eight verses Paul reminds you that you need to make right choices. He makes it quite clear that those choices are made through the power of God's Holy Spirit. He says to chose truth over lies, taking control of your temper, working and giving instead of stealing, encouraging words as opposed to abusive language, being kind to one another instead of bitterness, rage, anger and harsh words, forgiveness instead of grudges. You may think you cannot do this and on your own you cannot.

3. Be dependent upon the Holy Spirit.

Eph 5:22 "let the Holy Spirit fill and control you." (NLT)

I like to think about the truth that we are totally dependent upon God's Spirit to think correctly and live godly lives. God did not create you to live without dependence upon Him for everything. If you want to change He is the change agent. Lean on the Lord. You are involved in making choices, but the real power to achieve change is from Him.

I hope you find purpose for your life today as you grow in Christ.
May God bless you as your spiritual life prospers in Jesus.

_______________ Today's Personal Note from Dennis

Sandy and I are excited to begin about two months of ministry, most out of state. We will be in South Dakota this next week. I will be preaching and Sandy meeting with a youth group. We are leading a pastor's and wives' retreat in Yavapai Baptist Assoc April 25-26. I will be preaching in a church on Sunday in Rimrock. April 27-May 2 we will be in Pine Az working with a Campers on Mission project. May 11-27 we will be ministering in Missouri at several churches plus attending a neice and nephew's graduation. Please keep us in your prayers for spiritual insight and strength and for physical health for a fairly exhausting schedule. - DGW