Monday, April 22, 2013

Drink the Water #245

Jeremiah 2:13                                                                                       For my people have done two evil things: They have abandoned me--the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all! New Living Translation (©2007)
Have you ever felt abandoned, rejected, forsaken, left all alone? Did you ever consider that God has feelings? God had chosen the nation of Israel as His own people. He had provided for them for centuries. He loved them with unconditional love. He led them from slavery to freedom. He fed them with manna in the wilderness. He had shown them that they were special to Him.
God was their fountain of living water. He was life itself. God is that to you also. Jesus calls Himself the living water. He provides you with life. He declared that He is the way, the truth and the life. To the Jews of Jeremiah’s time God had been their strength, their rock, their provider, their healer and the One who loved them. Jeremiah has watched as they committed two sins that he reminds them are evil.

They had done the evil of abandoning the One who was their God. He was truly their fountain of living water. It was bad enough to abandon God, but on top of that they had become idolaters. They abandoned God and dug cisterns for themselves. They were trying to provide what they needed as living water by digging a hole that relied on runoff water to supply their needs. How easy it is to look to something or someone else to provide that which only God can provide. He is life. He provides you with life. Don’t abandon the only true God just to find something or someone else that you think will fulfill your life. Only God can do that.
The Jewish people were soon to be captured by Babylon and carried into seventy years of captivity. Again they would be enslaved because they had abandoned God. They were searching for something apart from God that only God could provide. What are you willing to trade for your relationship with God. What cistern are you digging that you believe is the answer to your own needs and in the process you have abandoned God.
Return to God. Instead of abandoning God turn your back on your cisterns that can only hold runoff water on a temporary basis. They are full of holes. They will not sustain true life. God provides you with living water. Drink from His endless supply. 

______________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

Praise the Lord. I am so glad to be back among the living. I am feeling much better and have finally stopped loosing weight. I lost 28 lbs in 8 weeks. Way too fast and way too much. It seems to have leveled off. Looking forward to regaining my strength.Thanks again for your prayers and concern. It means a lot and God does answer prayer. 

We celebrated Sandy's birthday last week. It was fun to be with the family and help Sandy celebrate her maturity. LOL The pic of the four older boys was taken at the birthday party. 

Collin is a part of an Honor's Class and they have monthly learning projects. This month it was time for some art work. He loved painting the picture, even though he does not enjoy art. see pic

Justin continues to grow. He smiles all the time and is a very pleasant little boy. He is trying to roll over. The problem is his attempts in the middle of the night wakes him up. Mandy and John are tired of waking up at 2AM to roll him back on his back. see pic

Our children are all busy with jobs and raising kids. Susan's real estate business is finally recovering. It has been a hard four years. Roger's new law firm is now a year and a half old. He is gaining new clients constantly. Take a look at his web site.  Mandy continues her career in retail. She is a co-manager at a retail store. John continues his business of providing checks and office materials for businesses, banks etc. 

I pray that you are doing well. God is Good and continues to bless our lives. Keep your eyes on Him and on the good things He is doing in your life. 
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (ESV)

God bless you with good thoughts.     


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