Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Remember To Be Thankful #225

Philippians 1:3 Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. (NLT)   Matthew 28:20 And remember, I am with you always, day by day, until the Close of the Age." (WEY) Psalms 105:5 Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles, and the rulings he has given (NLT)
What do you remember that brings thanks to your heart? As you look back over the blessings of God, you can thank God. The Apostle Paul said to the church at Philippi that he gave thanks for them every time he thought of them. Jesus told the disciples that they should remember that He would be with them day by day all the way to the end of the age or world. The psalmist reminded his readers that they should be thankful as they remembered the wonders and miracles God had performed.
Your memories are the trigger to bring your mind to ‘thankfulness’. Throughout the Bible the word remember is used over two hundred and thirty times. It is used as a way of motivating God’s people to ‘Thanksgiving’. God reminds the nation of Israel that God had blessed them with freedom from slavery.
Exodus 13:3 Then Moses said to the people, “Remember this day in which you came out from Egypt, out of the house of slavery, for by a strong hand the LORD brought you out from this place.
God reminds you throughout the Bible to remember Him, His blessings, His provisions, His mercy and grace, His protection, and His love.
The thief who was crucified next to Jesus said, Matthew 23:42 "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
You are to remember what God is to you and has done for you in order to be thankful. Remember this: God remembers you! For that you should be very thankful.
Celebrate Thanksgiving by remembering.

_________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ


Thanksgiving has become, in my opinion, the unique holiday in America that represents our true feelings about God. It is when we take stock of all His blessing and become most holy. We express thankfulness. We express that who we are and what we have is from Him. God has so blessed us in so many ways. Most of all we are thankful for God Himself. He is our Savior, Lord and Life. He gives us strength, guidance, love, grace, mercy, peace, joy, and the list goes on. I know you will take time on Thanksgiving Day to show your gratitude to God. You may even express your celebration with food, family, friends and of course "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles." Whatever you do be thankful to God. 

Sandy and I are hoping before the day is over on Thanksgiving to have all the family, except for Collin, to come by the house. They all like Sandy's desserts. They also have commitments to other parts of their families. Collin will be visiting his Dad in California for Thanksgiving. 

I have a special thanks and praise for answered prayer. Last week I asked you to pray about a medication, a chemotherapy injection, that I needed on a monthly basis. The cost was over 5000 dollars per injection. My part after medicare was 1000 dollars per injection. The Cancer Research Center called on Monday to tell me that the HealthWell Foundation would provide a grant for the injections in the amount of 7000 dollars. All I will pay per doctor visit is a copay of $4.99 for the administration of the injection itself. Needless to say I am very happy at the outcome, and thank you for all your prayers. 

Collin and I went with our church to a local park on Saturday night to feed the homeless in our city. Sandy fixed enough sweet potato casserole to feed thirty. The church fed 120 homeless folks. What a great time. A group of churches provide a meal every Saturday night in the park. The homeless are very thankful for a home cooked meal.

Bennett finished the last performance of his high school play on Saturday night. They had a total of 7 performances over the past two weekends. He did great. He really enjoys his drama and music. He is a percussionist in his high school band as well as performing in vocal music and drama. (see pic)

May God bless you and your family and friends on this Thanksgiving Day. May God bless you as you enjoy great food, fun and fellowship. May you bless God with your praise and thanksgiving for all He has done for you.  ~ DGW

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