Thursday, August 30, 2012

Who Do You Blame? #213

Genesis 1:22 Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God. (NAS)     
A recent TV commercial showed various scenarios that always ended with the phrase: “LIFE COMES AT YOU FAST.” Although the scenes were always humorous, the point came through loud and clear, “you never know what to expect.” Job was definitely taken off guard when he heard the news. The news came in rapid fire and was not good news. Isn’t that the way things come your way? Someone has said that bad news comes in three’s. Job had more than that.
Job 1:13-19 tells of the tragedies in the beginning of Job’s struggles. First while his children were feasting and drinking a messenger came and told Job that the Sabeans had taken all his oxen and donkeys and killed all his servants. Another messenger came and told him the fire of God fell on the sheep and the servants and they were all burned to death. Then another messenger came and told him Chaldeans swept down on the camels and made off with them and killed all his servants. Finally the last messenger came with the news:
Job 1:18 While he was still speaking, yet another messenger came and said, “Your sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother’s house, 19 when suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on them and they are dead, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!.
The barrage of heartbreaking events from the loss of his livelihood to the loss of his children happened in short period of time. Any one of those would have caused most anyone to blame God. Blaming is such a ‘fun sport.’ It seems the easiest one to blame when life is hard is God. Yet the Bible says through “all of this” Job did not blame God. The real culprit is Satan. He is the accuser of the brethren, the father of lies, the deceiver, the destroyer, and the killer. Job’s friends tried to convince him that God was the cause, but Job knew God, so he knew that was not true.
Whatever you are facing trust that the enemy is not God. The enemy is the same one that was tempting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He is still the one who causes you problems. Never blame God for that which is Satan’s fault.                    
_____________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

It is my privilege to welcome over 50 new readers to The Encourager this week. I am always grateful when someone requests to be added to the email list. If you know someone who would like to receive The Encourager please send me their name and email address. 

I do hope and pray you had a great week. The highlight of my week was Sunday morning as I was given the privilege of sharing the Word of God with First Baptist Church in Tempe. The Lord blessed with a wonderful service. I was scheduled to preach again this coming Sunday, but if you remember my prayer request last week was for some health issues. Those health concerns have come to a time of action. The biliary system in my liver is partially blocked and it will require a surgical procedure called a cholangiogram. I will receive that procedure on Thursday morning August 30th. 

Please pray this goes well and that the outcome of removing the blockage will allow my liver to function properly. During this time of testing I also discovered that I again have multiple tumors in my liver. It is unknown at this time what we will do to treat them. In the meantime I am NOT GIVING IN OR GIVING UP! The fever comes and goes, but the procedure should take care of that. Thanks again for your prayers. Please pray for Sandy as she goes into care-giver mode for what I hope is only a few days. 

We have many friends that live on the gulf coast. Hurricane Isaac has messed with that part of the country. Pray for the people effected by the hurricane. The cleanup will be necessary for some time to come. I know they will appreciate your prayers and your help. 

Mandy told me she was tired this week. I asked why? She said helping John keep up with an 18 month old, working 40 hours a week and being pregnant gives her the reason. I had to agree that tired was probably normal. LOL Continue to pray for her pregnancy. It's official this morning. It is another BOY!

I hope to be back in the pulpit preaching on September 9th at the 9:30 Intersect Service at First Baptist Church in Tempe. Pray that I will have the strength to be ready by then.

Sandy and I talk of many of you as we remember great times either with your church, your family or just the fact we have made your acquaintance. Life is so meaningful when you
have friends. God bless you all. Thanks for your prayers and concerns. My concern is that God can use my life for His glory no matter  what comes my way, no matter what opportunity
I have to witness of God's love, mercy and grace, or to preach God's Word, or spend time with my family and friends or worship with the church. To Him be the glory forever and ever.
 ~ DGW

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