Thursday, March 17, 2011

Climbing In The Chariot #137

Acts 8:29-35
29 And the Spirit said to Philip, "Go up and join this chariot."
30 And when Philip had run up, he heard him reading Isaiah, the prophet, and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?"
31 And he said, "well, how could I, unless someone guides me?" And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
32 Now the passage of Scripture which he was reading was this: "He was led as a sheep to slaughter; and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so He does not open His mouth.
33 "In humiliation His judgment was taken away; who shall relate His generation? For His life is removed from the earth."
34 And the eunuch answered Philip and said, "Please tell me, of whom does the prophet say this? Of himself, or of someone else?"
35 And Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this Scripture he preached Jesus to him. (NAS)

Can you imagine taking a walk and suddenly God's Holy Spirit speaks to you and requests that you sit in a chariot of a total stranger? That is exactly what happened to Philip. He was a leader in the early church and ready for God to use his words as an encouragement to a court official from Ethiopia. He heard the man reading from the Book of Isaiah; a passage about the suffering servant. The suffering was compared to a lamb taken to slaughter.

Philip asked if he understood what he was reading. He said he did not and at that moment Philip opened his mouth with the greatest message ever. The message was of the God-Man, Jesus. The Bible says he spoke unto him about Jesus.

What great things we learn from the Bible. We learn that God is looking for people who have something to share. If you have met Jesus as your own Savior, you know Him, and can tell others of Him. We also learn there are people searching for the way, the truth and life. The Bible records the words of Jesus, "I am the way, the truth, and the life", John 14:6.

We also learn that Jesus was a suffering servant. He came to die for the sins of the entire world. God so loved the world that He gave Jesus as a sacrifice and substitute for our sin. He is our Savior.

We also learn that much like the Ethiopian, people are desirous to know Jesus and become His followers. Often they are waiting for you or someone like Philip to tell them. If you do not know Jesus, I pray that today you will believe in Him and find true salvation. God loves you and wants you to know Him through His Son Jesus Christ.

______________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Happy Saint Patrick's Day,

Another challenging week with the Wood family. Baby Johnny is doing well. He is breathing on his own, yet labored due to his lungs have not completely developed. He is being fed through a feeding tube. His meal consists of 15cc's at a time. About three tablespoons. We are very optimistic that he will develop into a strong young man. The doctors are saying he might even go home sooner than anticipated.

I have had a rough week with lots of pain. The pain has been so great I have had to resort to pain meds which I do not like to take. Lab tests and CT scans have been done and the result is that Friday morning at 11AM I will have the wire removed. So back to the hospital I go. Should be home by early evening. I would appreciate your prayers. I anticipate a great ending.

Susan and Collin moved out to their new home on Sunday afternoon and Monday. Sandy and I are truly empty nesters for the first time in 39 1/2 years. Susan's new home still has some things that need done, but she and Collin are excited. Sandy and I have already had the bedrooms repainted and the carpet people are coming this afternoon to install three bedrooms of carpeting. Sandy thinks I am on a manic! :)

Our niece from Kansas City, Sammy and Kathy's daughter is coming for a visit this weekend. Meredith is bringing her fiance with her. We are eager to meet him. They are eager to be in nice weather.

I will celebrate my 65th birthday on Sunday. I know most of you thought I was only 55. LOL

Thanks for your prayer for the wire removal. I will be glad when it is over and done. May God bless you today with loved ones who share their lives with you. A support system is so essential. ~ DGW

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