Thursday, June 3, 2010

Do You Care? #96

Philippians 2:19 But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, so that I also may be encouraged when I learn of your condition. 20 For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare. (NAS)

If someone was separated from you by time and space and you desired to know how they were doing, what would you do.? Paul was apart from the Philippians yet loved and cared for them very much. He was in prison so he could not visit them. He had a solution. Send someone who cared as much as he did.

That person with kindred spirit was Timothy. Timothy was a strong believer in Jesus Christ, but had learned his spiritual walk from Paul. Paul was like a spiritual father to Timothy. He cared for the people, loved them deeply and when Paul wanted someone to minister to their needs Timothy was the man. He was a pastor at heart, a shepherd who cared for the sheep.

How great it would be to send someone in your place to check on those you love. Paul’s commentary on Timothy is that no one genuinely cared for the Philippians like Paul except
Timothy. Are you Paul or Timothy? Do you care for a flock of people? Maybe it is your family, your church, your small group, or your work mates. It is an encouragement to know that someone is being loved and cared for whether you are Paul or Timothy.
I hope you find purpose for your life today as you grow in Christ. May God bless you as your spiritual life prospers in Jesus.

_________________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Tempe,AZ! Yes, we are back home. Arrived this morning (TR) June 3. Today was my Dad's 85th birthday. So glad we had a chance to spend a few days with him last week.

The past three weeks have been a wonderful time of renewing old acquaintances and seeing family and friends. I was able to preach at Second Baptist Church of Lebanon MO where my college roommate is pastor. Roger Marshall. We named our son Roger after him. We saw families who had been members of our churchs in Nebraska and Wisconsin and rejoiced with them over God's hand in their lives.

PICTURE ATTACHED is Claris Scates. She was employed by the US Dept of Agriculture in Lincoln, NE. She was our children's director. We talked of old times and prayed together. We were able to pray with so many who needed God's touch.

We also saw a man I led to Christ in my living room 37 years ago. He and his wife are involved in a vital ministry in Springfield, MO.In Eldon, MO we spent time with family. It was great.

I had planned to go fishing but only got a line wet for two hours. I was skunked. Sandy caught the only fish. It is good to be back home. Sandy and I both love to travel and minister to people whereever we go. The privilege we all have of telling of the work of the Lord in our lives and what a great Savior we have in Jesus. God bless you. Have a great week. DGW

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