Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What Stress? #299

Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Does it seem that every time you turn around that a new problem or a new pressure hits you? Do you find it hard to keep going? Today’s word for such things is “stress.” Does that describe your surrounding right now: “STRESSFUL?” Being stressed out is nothing new. Even in Jesus day people experienced the stress and pressure of life. Feeding a family on very meager means, having inadequate housing or shelter, often serving as a slave, little medical care, working long hours and feeling a sense of defeat were all issues facing people in Jesus day.
Has that changed? It would seem the same is true of people all over the world today. The same demands are real for the average person; including you. The real question is, “What can you do?” Jesus in his own words simply says; “Come to Me.” Who is to come to Jesus? “All you who are weary.” Ever notice when you ask someone how they are doing that 9 out of 10 times the answer is, “I am so tired.” Weary, worn out, over burdened, sensing demands that are hard if not impossible is the analysis.
Come to Jesus you who are weary and all of you who are heavy-laden. Are you one of those that family, job, and daily life has become a heavy burden. Come to Jesus. He is a bearer of burdens. Give them to Him. He tells you that He is gentle and humble of heart. Place the burden you are carrying upon him. He says His yoke, using a term that would relate to an animal of burden, is a place you can find rest for your souls.
Jesus will take your pressure and stress upon Himself if you will give it to Him.
Remember that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Turn your eyes and heart and soul upon Jesus and He will give you REST.
_________________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

This past week has been one of mixed emotions. I went on Monday to the Museum of Musical Instruments as a chaperone for Collin's band. The Museum has over 10,000 instruments from all over the world. Quite impressive. Of course to add some excitement the bus broke down. 

We attended Burke's induction into the National Junior Honor Society. A real thrill to see him receive the award. That was on Tuesday evening. 

Wednesday Sandy gave me a scare as she sat watching TV her heart began racing at 140 beats per minute. It was still beating that fast 20 minutes later so we made a trip to the ER. You know that he rule of thumb is when you reach the ER everything goes back to normal, and it did. Everything was checking out good when all of sudden her heart jumped into the 140 BPM again. They tried to get the EKG machine hooked back up quickly, but it went back to normal before they could get it connected. It happened one more time. They gave her some medication and sent her home. She was pretty exhausted for the next couple of days. She is doing well now. 

The Doctor from Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles called me on Thursday to inform me I was not a candidate for the new medical trials for my cancer. I was a bit discouraged. As a result I recontacted Scottsdale Health Center and the Virginia G Piper cancer research center. I am waiting on word from them that will tell me if I get into their trial for another new chemotherapy. Pray for that. I see the Dr on the 21st with an answer. 

Friday night we attended Burke's art show at his school. He had several art pieces in the show. All of course were great. 

Saturday morning Sandy and I both were at church. She was making corsages for Mother's Day and I was speaking at a Men's Breakfast. We both went home and had a nap. 

On Mother's Day we saw all of our children and grandchildren. Sandy enjoyed the day and was blessed. 

I preached Sunday morning at the Intersect Service in the LOFT. We are still in Revelation and the topic was: The Great White Throne Judgment. I joked with several people about how appropriate or not appropriate was the topic for Mother's Day. LOL

We have another busy week this week. I do want you to know that both of us love our ministry, our family, our lives that are so filled with God-things. 

I so appreciate your prayers and concern. May God bless you this week by taking your burdens and cares upon Himself.        ~ DGW

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