Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Reflecting His Glory #208

2 Corinthians 3:18 And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more.
2 Corinthians 4:1 And so, since God in his mercy has given us this wonderful ministry, we never give up.

“And all of us;” I like that. The apostle Paul writing to the believers in Corinth was writing to remind them of what Christ had done in their lives. He reminds them that Christ removed the veil of the Old Covenant, the law. The veil that deceives us into believing that the Christian life is accomplished by our own effort is defused by the truth. The truth is that when Christ died on the cross He removed the curse of the law and gave us the New Covenant. His Holy Spirit came to live within us. The Holy Spirit brightly reflects the glory of God.

You can become more and more like Jesus as you allow the Holy Spirit to control your life and reflect God’s character. It is as the Spirit works in us that we are changed. If we look into a mirror we see ourselves. It is a reflection of yourself that you see. As you look into Christ, and the perfect law of liberty and freedom, you become like Him as the Holy Spirit works in us.

God desires that you glorify Him. You were created for that purpose. All things are created to glorify God. Your ministry as a Christian is to bring Him glory by reflecting His glory in your life; by being like Jesus.

For that reason you never give up. No matter what you are facing, what challenges you are experiencing, what struggles you endure; just remember you are here for His glory. Never Give Up!

___________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from McDonalds in the beautiful White Mountains in Pinetop, AZ!

As you can see by the picture that Sandy and I are camping this week. The White Mountains (don't tell anyone) are the best kept secret in Arizona. They are beautiful, cool and have opportunities to fish all over the place. We have had temperatures in the daytime in the 60's along with lots of rain. For a desert dweller I have really enjoyed the rain. Our camper sprung a leak in the bathroom so I ran for the caulking. All fixed. 

Last Sunday I preached again at First Baptist Church of Tempe. It was a wonderful day. The three morning services are a drain on me, but I not only
finished them, but drove 4 hours up to the mountains and then set up camp. I slept real good. 

Sandy is preparing for her fall Bible Study classes. She will be teaching on Tuesday mornings at FBC Tempe. She is teaching on the attributes of God.
The lessons will deal with how God's promises are fulfilled through His attributes. Should be a challenging study and a helpful one. I hope you can join her. 

Our children and grandchildren are busy as they end up the summer. Burke and Bennett resume school next Monday the 30th. Collin's school begins the 
following Monday. Collin has spent this week in California with his Dad. He is having a great time. Johnny continues to grow and is such a joy to all. 

I will preach on Sunday night August 5th at FBC Tempe. The church will begin a series on Philippians at the 6PM Sunday Service. I have the privilege of starting that study. On August 12th I will be in Globe, AZ at the First Christian Church-Disciples of Christ at the 11AM service. August 19th and 26th I will again be preaching at the FBC of Tempe at the three morning services. On September 2nd and 9th I will be preaching at the Intersect Service at FBC in the LOFT at 9:30 only. Sandy and I really appreciate your prayers for our preparation for teaching and preaching as well as the presentations. 

Please be in prayer as I undergo some extra tests. The doctors are doing extra lab work and are doing an MRI of the brain sometime soon. I am not too excited 
about tests, but I am having some small things happening that they would like to investigate. Appreciate your prayers. 

Weekly I hear from so many folks who are struggling with one problem or another. Some are health related, some family, some are work related and still others include many things. I pray for you and ask God to give you strength and hope and that in Christ you will be encouraged to face whatever comes your way. 

May God bless you this week with his great mercy. He is full of mercy. To Him be the glory.  ~ DGW

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