Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just Do It! #126

John 2:1 And on the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there; 2 and Jesus also was invited, and His disciples, to the wedding. 3 And when the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine" 4 And Jesus said to her "Woman, what do I have to do with you? My hour has not yet come." 5 His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it." (NAS)

Ever make a New Years' resolution? Sure you have. How long did you keep it? Usually a few days is a long time to keep a resolution. Almost seems like a waste of time to determine the future by making a promise you are more than likely to not remember a few weeks down the road.

If there ever existed a resolve worth following to completion it would be the one Mary suggested to the servants at the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee. The words from Mary were in the context of a wedding with a major problem; they had run out of wine. Mary went to Jesus with the bad news. "They have no wine." Jesus responded with what may appear as words of disrespect but were not. They were words from the Savior that the time for him to begin his ministry had not yet arrived. She ignored his words and simply told the servants, "Whatever He says to do, do it."

What a tremendous New Years' resolution. Could you consider your resolution to do whatever God wants you to do? He calls us to a life of submission and surrender. That call means He is Lord of our life. As Lord, He is in charge. What a great opportunity to find purpose and fulfillment; simply by doing what our Lord says.

The servants followed Jesus' instructions and filled the water pots with water. As they drew out the water it was no longer water, but the finest wine possible. The best came as a result of doing what He said. This New Year entrust your life to the Life Giver, Jesus, and DO WHAT HE SAYS. There is no greater New Years' resolution you could make. May this New Year be filled with His blessings to you.

____________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Happy New Year!

I do pray that 2010 has been a good year for you; but pray 2011 will be even better. I believe you will be able to measure whether it is good or not by answering one question, "Did your life bring glory to God."

This has been an exciting and rewarding year for me and my family. Sandy and I have been blessed especially as we have seen an improvement in our health, new involvement in ministry, and been able to see many of you during this past year.

We found ourselves ready for ministry again and God opened doors for that to happen. Both of us have been able to teach and preach in many places and share our story of "Celebrating Life" in the midst of trials and difficulties. I have come to believe you can celebrate life if you are bringing glory to God no matter what the circumstances. Life after all is about Him.

Sandy and I will be back in Quartzite, AZ in a few weeks (January 13-22) for the Campers on Mission project during the big gem and rock show. We will be teaching, sharing our story and doing street evangelism. This will be our fourth year to join in this rewarding event.

I had the privilege of preaching Sunday, December 26th at the Crossroads Baptist Church in Apache Junction, AZ. The congregation was wonderful and we enjoyed our time with them. Pastor Randy Hale was on vacation. Thanks, Randy for the opportunity. I will be preaching at Grace Community Church in Tempe on Sunday, January 2nd at 10:00 AM. Looking forward to being with them.

This Christmas season has been a busy one for most of you. I hope and pray you have had a wonderful time with family, friends, church and all else that God has brought into your life. We are truly blessed to have the freedom to travel, worship, express our views, and witness to our faith in Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that if you have never had the wonderful joy of knowing Jesus that 2011 will be the year of your new birth. God has so blessed us with life and life abundant in Christ; not a life without struggles, but a life with peace, fulfillment, forgiveness, love and joy.

May God bless you in 2011 as you allow Him to rule and reign in your life for His glory. I have come to love the verse in Romans 11:36 "For everything comes from Him; everything exists by His power; and his intended for His glory. To Him be glory for evermore. AMEN!" (NLT) ~ DGW

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