Monday, September 1, 2014

Where's Your Hope? #309

Romans 8:24-25                                                                         24 Now in this hope we were saved, yet hope that is seen is not hope, because who hopes for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with patience.  (HCSB)
In the Spiderman 2 movie, Spiderman’s girlfriend makes a valedictorian speech to her college class. Her theme is hope. Her words are very much in tune with the Biblical concept of hope. It is not a feeling, but a determined belief that things will be good, ok, and have positive results. When you say the word hope what are you really thinking. Is it like saying “I sure hope it rains today.” “I hope I win that contest.” “I hope I get the raise.” Is there an uncertainty to your hope. Biblical Hope is never uncertain. It is based on truth and trust.
In the Hebrew Bible there are 10 words translated hope. The most common is to wait with great expectation for something that will happen. There are only two words in the New Testament translated hope. They mean the act of expecting  or trusting. The hope you have for eternal life and the future life is because you hope in what you don’t even see. It is eagerly waiting for what is coming, but with patience.
Are you hoping for something right now. You may not see how, when or where the answer is coming, but you are trusting God is faithful.
Hope is a vital part of life. You will find the scripture that says, “three things remain; faith, hope and love.” I Corinthians 13:13 (writer’s paraphrase)
Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 

Never give up your hope.
________________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from HOME in beautiful Tempe, AZ

What a surprise when my temperature spiked again on Tuesday evening and I ended up back in the hospital all week. Got out of the hospital on Friday.  I am doing well and recuperating. Thanks for your prayers. I asked you to not stop praying although I was home and doing well. Now you see why.

Sandy and I will celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary on the 4th. Seems like a long time ago that we said our vows and committed our lives to one another on that Sunday afternoon in Independence, MO in 1966. In other ways it seems like yesterday. We have been blessed with three wonderful children and five fantastic grandsons, friends from all over the world, great times of ministry, and great churches that God has allowed us to serve together. WE HAVE BEEN SO BLESSED!!

Our grandsons are such busy guys. The three older boys have so much going on at their schools and churches. Collin made the soccer team at his Jr High this week. He will be playing goalie. He has grown to be one of the taller boys in his school. He is also in two bands and the  honors team. He also is active in his church youth group. 

Bennett and Burke are hard at work in the school drama and musical that will be performed in November. Lots of singing, memorizing lines, and rehearsals. They both are in the band and are in a school with high academic standards. Needless to say they are busy. Both are really active in their church's youth group. 

Sandy is still watching the boys one day a week. She has a great time. Johnny told her on Friday, "Grammie, you have really been nice to me today." I am not sure that he thinks she doesn't alway treat him nice or if he just wanted some more candy.  

May God really bless you this week. I so appreciate you and your encouragement. I am looking forward to regaining enough strength to begin preaching and teaching again. I am scheduled to speak at our church's Senior Adult group on the 18th of September. Pray for God to give me His Holy Spirit's strength and power to do it. 

Love you all.   ~ DGW

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