Friday, January 4, 2013

Less of Me and More of Him #231

John 3:29-30
New English Translation (NET)
29 The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands by and listens for him, rejoices greatly when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. This then is my joy, and it is complete. 30 He must become more important while I become less important.”
The Jewish wedding was a great festive occasion with days of celebration and a year’s preparation. The custom was to have a betrothal or a year’s engagement before the actual wedding ceremony. The betrothal was celebrated with a feast. The bride and groom were then separated for a year during which time the bride and groom did not communicate directly. The friend of the groom, or best man, became the intermediary for that year.
The bride to be was considered virtually as the wife of the groom. She was to remain faithful to the groom. If she was found to be unfaithful she could be punished with death. When Mary was espoused to Joseph and was found to be with child Joseph could have rejected her and she could have been put to death. He could have gone through a divorce either publicly or privately. He chose instead to marry her.
John the Baptist considered himself the friend of the groom, Jesus. The bride is the church or the people of God. John the Baptist came to announce the coming of the groom. He was the friend who had been responsible for the preparation of the bride for the coming groom.
John the Baptist recognized as the groom, Jesus, came to earth that his purpose was completed. He thus spoke the words, “He must become more important while I become less important.”                                                                         What a great plan for you. Jesus must become more important and you must become less important. Instead of asserting your importance you can bring glory to God by becoming less and allowing Jesus to become more.
The fulfillment of your purpose for life will be in your decision to allow Jesus to become first and foremost in your life. John commented, “This is my joy.”   

________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

Happy New Year!!
I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Now it is time to return to work, school and whatever you were doing just before Thanksgiving. This has been a great time for family, friends, food and fellowship. God has allowed me to preach in several churches during the festive season. I always enjoy meeting new people and renewing acquaintances with others. 

I assume most of you ate way too much and are now making resolutions to lose weight, get on an exercise program and change at least another ten things in your life. You also know you will likely not do any of them. Guess it is just fun to wish you could lose 20 lbs, run five miles, and read a book a week. Have fun. I think I will just continue thanking God I am alive, able to enjoy my family, friends and do a few things that I hope and pray bring glory to God. I never was very good with New Year's resolutions. 

I will be preaching at the Laveen Baptist Church in Laveen, AZ on Sunday the 6th of January. I have been there on several occasions. They are a great church with a super love for one another. Pray for me as I preach both the 8:30AM and 10:05 AM services. January 20-27 Sandy and I will be speaking at the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church in Quartzsite. 

We will be participating with the church and the Campers on Mission Roadrunners during the Rock and Gem show. I will be preaching the Sunday morning service on the 27th. February 4-5 Sandy and I will be teaching at the Mission Service Corp's annual retreat. We will join volunteer missionaries from across Arizona. February 17th I will be preaching at the Intersect Service at 9:30AM at First Baptist Church of Tempe. 

If your church, small group, home Bible study or Sunday School class is looking for a conference, retreat, or a fill in for Sunday services please contact me. I would love to minister to your church or group. 

Sandy and I had such a great time with our family during the month of December. Sandy enjoyed her Christmas gift. We now have three children and two grandsons who celebrate birthdays in December. Collin was 12 on December 28. Johnny learned a new word; PRESENT. He likes to help everyone unwrap their presents. Justin is gaining weight, growing and doing well. We thank God that he is doing so well. 

Thank you for sending cards and emails to update us on how you are doing. It was so enjoyable to read about your family. The pictures many of you sent were a real blessing. 

The old saying is, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." I would add that a nap every afternoon helps get you through the day. I never thought I would ever take naps but sure do enjoy a little snooze in the recliner. 

 In 2013 I do hope and pray your relationship with Jesus grows even greater. May God bless you, your family and your church by a deeper understanding of your relationship with Him. May He reveal even more of Himself to you and may you know Him more each day.  ~ DGW

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