Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Do The Dogs Lead You? #235

Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved. New Living Translation (©2007)

Who! Who! Who let the dogs out? Who! Who! Who let the dogs out? So the song goes. The apostle Paul says of the dogs who were out; watch out for them. Who are the dogs? Anyone considered a dog was on the low side of society. Dogs were not highly loved and accepted as pets the way they are today.  To call someone a dog was far from a compliment. It was a demeaning characteristic and name-calling at its worst. In Paul’s writings he considers a group called the Judaizers as dogs. They were Jews who had become Christians and then required everyone who desired to be a Christian to also become Jews and live by the Jewish law. The term you might use would be legalist.
The Judaizers required strict compliance to the Law of Moses in order to be in a right relationship with God. They diminished Jesus believing His death and resurrection was not adequate to remove sin. The legalist would convince you that keeping the Law is essential to your salvation. They might go so far as to declare salvation by God’s grace and then add Law keeping to it. They distort the gospel of grace by adding to it the keeping of the Mosaic Law.
Be careful. It is often a subtle approach to the Law that leads them to convince you that trying hard to be a good Christian, performing to their standard of behavior, and to please God by self-effort was the Christian life. Being a Christian and growing in Christ is a work of God. He saved you by the blood of Christ on the cross. He gave you life through Jesus’ resurrected life, and produces spiritual growth through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Legalists will tell you it is by your works that you are saved, and by your works you grow in spiritual depth.
No wonder Paul called them dogs. They were those who took away from Jesus and His life and made the Christian life a set of rules, regulations and laws. You are saved by grace and not by works. You are kept by grace and not by works. You are growing in maturity because of the Holy Spirit working in your life to renew you. You are not to be guided by the legalists (the dogs), but through the Holy Spirit in you.
Let God convince you and keep you through His grace. 
________________Today's personal note from Dennis
Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

Sandy and I had a wonderful time in Quartzsite. The fellowship was sweet and the revival was refreshing. We were able to share our faith with those in the booth areas. Sandy taught Sunday School and I preached on Sunday morning the 27th. The church was filled. Pastor Aaron Chicoine preached all week. We were blessed with his messages on "Freedom."  Check out the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church web site for the messages. 

Many of you have asked about Justin. He is home and doing very well. Sandy is having a super time playing with the boys. This week we celebrated Burke's twelfth birthday.  The whole family, except for John and Justin were there. Just a little early to have Justin out away from home since his illness. 

Monday and Tuesday next week Sandy and I will be teaching at the annual Mission Service Corp retreat. Our topic is "Friends in Ministry." It will be an enjoyable topic for us because of you, our friends. We have talked about how grateful we are to have friends like you that pray for us, support us financially, actually come to hear us speak from time to time and most of all just love us. You are special. We again request your prayers as we speak to volunteer missionaries throughout Arizona.

I will be preaching at First Baptist Church of Tempe on February 17th at the Intersect Service (a contemporary service) at 9:30 AM. Join me as I preach on Revelation 2:1-7 concerning the Church at Ephesus and their need to renew their love for Jesus. 

I began writing The Encourager in March of 2008. In 2009 while in the hospital and recuperating from jaundice, brain bleed, grand mall seizure, septic shock, 106 degrees of fever, 2 times intubated while in a come, and severe edema; I missed writing for almost three months. Since that time I have been able to send what I hope are encouraging words from God's Word to you each week. It is my hope and prayer that each week someone will be lifted up with what God says through His word to them. Currently The Encourager is sent by email to over 1500 people each week in 28 states and 15 foreign countries. 

I appreciate your prayers for this ministry. Previous copies of The Encourager may be found at  I do enjoy hearing from you. Drop me a reply. 

May God bless you this week with a renewed love for Jesus. Remember how much you loved Him? Is that love still real to you?   ~  DGW 

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