Thursday, April 19, 2012

Freedom That Lasts #194

Galatians 5:1
It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. (NAS)

One of the deepest needs of every person is to be free. Throughout history mankind has fought wars engaged in treaties, and defended their homes and countries to be free. Our founding fathers knew the importance of freedom as they wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. They understood that only in the context of personal freedom could a nation thrive. Strangely enough God also knew that freedom was important to the individual. He sent his son to set us free from the bondage of the law and the slavery to sin. Jesus died and rose again to give true freedom to all who would trust Him by faith. The Bible declares it was for the purpose of freedom that Christ set us free. To be free to choose life in Christ is one of our greatest privileges. When you have the Son you are free indeed.

How important is freedom to you? You may take for granted many of your freedoms. The freedom to move about, to make choices, to speak, to engage in business to have relationships, to worship, to not be controlled by freedom stealers. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatian church that was in danger of losing their freedom in Christ to not allow the subjugation of sin and the Mosaic Law to enslave them. His encouragement to them was to stand firm. Do not allow yourself to be swayed by those who would remove your freedom.

It is through truth that you find freedom. "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32 "So if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed." John 89:36 God's purposes through Christ was to set you free from whatever enslaves you. He replaces your bondage with true freedom.

What is controlling your life? Is whatever that is in control of your life bringing you freedom or enslaving you? If you are free, who or what is attempting to remove your freedom? What are you doing about it? Stand firm in your freedom and do not allow anyone or anything to take it away from you.

"It was for freedom that Christ has set you free." Rejoice in and thank God for your freedom!

___________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

I am praying for you to have a wonderful week. This week was to be a slow-down week. Don't think it happened. We have passed the twenty-four hour stomach bug around our family. The whole family participated, except for a couple who managed so far to avoid it. Hope you don't have the bug at your house.

Sunday I took a run at three morning services. Two were worship services and the third was a Sunday School class. No, I was not the preacher or teacher. I just wanted to see if I could endure four hours of church in a row. I made it. This for me was preparation for preaching three services in a row on May 20th.

Sandy's brother and sister-in-law, Sammy and Kathy, will be here in Tempe to see us this week. We look forward to their time with our family. They plan a return trip to the Grand Canyon also. They are both avid hikers.

Johnny spent Monday with us while his Dad suffered through the stomach bug. Johnny had his first jelly. Uncle Roger fed it to him. As you can see by the picture it was a big hit. Roger put it on a graham cracker. Johnny just sucked the jelly off and then wanted more.

Bennett's school musical is this coming weekend. Sandy and I will see it on Friday night. Sandy and I will see it on Friday night.

Please continue to pray for the revival in Missouri. I will be preaching Sunday evening April 29 through Wednesday evening May 2. the services are at the Second Baptist Church of Lebanon. My college roommate, Roger Marshall is the pastor. He was also a groomsman in our wedding. Pray for my preparation and that the Holy Spirit will prepare the church for true spiritual awakening.

Most mornings I come to Starbucks and enjoy a cup of coffee and share with anyone who will listen about how great God is. The verse God gave me over three years ago was Psalms 118:17 "I will not die but live that I may tell what the Lord has done." I continue to follow His direction with my life.

Even this morning I was able to share my testimony of God's love with a total stranger. I also asked permission from two of the Starbuck's baristas to take their picture with me. Thanks Beth and Becky.

I am so blessed with friends and family. I know you are too. They are such an encouragement to me. Thank god today for those He has put into your life.

I thank God for you. God Bless. ~ DGW

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