Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Content or Selfish? #187

Romans 8:7
"For the mind set on the flesh(self) is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace." KJV

Luke 9:23
"And he said to all, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." ESV

Mark 8:35
"If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it." NLT

Are you selfish?
In the March 28, 1995 issue of the AZ Republic newspaper: "Civilization was created to constrain egoism, to teach people to deny themselves for the common good."

It appears the most common qualities of most people are found in two very selfish expressions: one is greed and the other is envy. Polls apart and yet so similar are both of these lifestyles. Both are extremely selfish.

Two quotes apart from the scripture give a good perspective of selfishness.
1. "Selfishness is that detestable vice which no one will forgive in others, and no one is without in himself." - Henry Ward Beecher
2. "He who lives only to benefit himself confers on the world a benefit when he dies." Tertullian

The Bible gives great insight into living life to its fullest. Never is selfishness listed as an avenue to the wonderful life. In fact Jesus made it clear that to find life you had to lose your life. To truly be a follower of Jesus would be to deny yourself (the opposite of selfishness) take up your cross and follow Him.

The apostle Paul reminds us in the Book of Romans that a life set on the flesh or the self brings about death. It is as the mind is set on the Spirit that true life and peace will be found.

In the Book of Philippians the Apostle Paul gives the secret of living with much or with little. That secret contentment, the opposite of selfishness. TRY IT!!

_________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ.

Isn't God good! We are so often on the receiving end of God's mercy and grace and then just take it for granted. Please keep your focus on Him and His goodness to you.

The old hymn says, "Count your many blessing, name them one by one." Sometime when you are tempted to engage in a 'pity party' just start naming those blessings. It will amaze you how things change.

This has been a busy week. I am in preparation to preach on Sunday at First Baptist Church Intersect Service. Some of you have written to ask what is the Intersect Service. It is a contemporary service geared to college, high school and old codgers like me who like drums, guitars, keyboards and loud music.

Sandy and I both have been in churches that use that style of worship for so many years that we find we really enjoy worshipping in the Intersect Service. It meets at 9:30 AM in the Loft at FBC Tempe. Join us Sunday. Now you will want to know what is "the Loft?" It is a worship area upstairs in the education building at FBC.

Our church had a missions conference this past weekend. What a privilege to listen to and engage missionaries from all over the world. Our church supports many missionaries and every two years they bring them inn for a weekend of encouragement.

One of the fun things we did this week was a Krispy Kreme donut race. The picture is of the beginning of the mile run. The contestants had to eat four donuts and then run a mile. I just ate my donuts and forgot the running part. Krispy Kreme provided 1200 donuts for the occasion.

Sandy is still teaching her Tuesday morning Bible Study. She so enjoys teaching as well as preparation. Pray for her as she shares with the ladies who attend her class.

Next week on March 8th our little Johnny will be a year old. He is progressing so well. The highlight of my week was hearing him say Tapaw for the first time. It came out more like PaPa. But I knew what he was saying and so did he.

This week is concert week for both Burke and Bennett. Monday night Bennett's choir was in concert. Wednesday night Burke's band plays a concert. What a joy to listen to them and see their improvement from semester to semester. Both are really talented.

Many of you returned an email message of encouragement to me last week. For some reason The Encourager spoke to many of you. Thanks for responding. I do pray always that what God lays on my heart to write is a blessing of hope and encouragement to you.

I continue to meet people with cancer. It seems that more and more people are struggling with the disease. God has given me words to encourage them on their pilgrimage as they learn to live with cancer. It seems the primary need of all is to realize that God is in control. No matter what transpires there is a God who loves them and has promised to never leave or forsake them. Suffering is a part of living. It is a lot easier to face suffering when we see God at work through our trials.

We all have a story of God's amazing grace in our lives. Let me encourage you to share your story. I am constantly reminded of the verse in Psalms 118;17 "You shall not die but live that you may tell what the Lord is doing." I get excited, in spite of my own cancer and struggles over the past few years, to tell of God's presence, His grace and mercy, His sustaining power, and His love.

Don't ever forget that He loves you. Keep telling your story. May God Bless You. May His sustaining grace be evident to you this week. ~DGW

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