Monday, January 16, 2012

Where Do You Belong? #181

1 John 1:7 But is we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

One of the most popular names for a church in the twenty-first century is "So and So" Community Church. The word community seems to lend itself to the meaning and sense of belonging. One of the greatest needs of humanity is to belong. What does a church with authentic, genuine community look like? The Biblical word that may best describe that kind of community is fellowship.

As we walk in the light of God's revelation to us of Himself through His Son Jesus Christ and we in turn relate to others with that some revelation we have fellowship. We have authentic community. q. We admit we cannot function effectively by ourselves. 2. We admit that we are not more or less important than anyone else. 3. We admit that not takes work to fulfill the unity we have in Christ. 4. We admit that we need to use our gifts in ministry to and with one another.

We all need a church where we can express our unity and community. We heed to remember that real community is not people in close contact, but people closely connected. Where are you connected with other believers? Where do you exercise your giftedness to serve others?

The scripture is clear about our need to be together in unity We are to accept one another as Christ has accepted us. We are to love one another, forgive one another, be devoted to one another, bear with one another, serve one another, submit to and admonish one another, and even confess our sins to one another.

It is not likely outside of an authentic, lifestyle community of believers that these things will happen. It is so vitally important to your own relationship with God to be involved in a church where these qualities exist.

If you are not a part of a church like this, or a church period, why not find one this wek. God desires our worship. We need God and we need one another.

Philippians 2:
1 So if there is any encouragement tin Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy,
2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.
3 do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Become a part of an authentic Biblical community now. You will be glad you did.

___________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ,

What a wonderful day to be alive and share the life of Christ with you. I am so grateful that God has allowed us the privilege of being His children, loved and cared for by King
of the Universe. WOW!

I pray you have had a great week. Time seems to be passing quickly. It was only a few weeks ago I was looking forward to preaching on January 15th and now that is past. Sandy and I leave for Quartzsite on Wednesday, so some of you get this early and some of you will receive The Encourager after we arrive in Quartzsite. The ten days we
are there will be filled with great fellowship with the Campers on Mission Team, the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church, and lots of friends from across the country.

days will begin with breakfast together and then Sandy and I will lead devotionals each morning.
Pray for our time of sharing from God's word. We will then fan out across the Gem and Rock show area to share our faith with anyone who will, pass out bottles of water, and
pray with many who share needs with us. Please pray for us as we minister to people's needs.

I will be speaking at a Men's Pancake Breakfast at Grace Community Church on February 4th. Pray for my preparation and for the men at grace who will hear the message on that morning.

Sandy continues her Tuesday morning Bible Study at First Baptist Church of Tempe. She is teaching on a topic of which she is real familiar: When Life is Hard." It is a video
series by James MacDonald. One week she teaches, the next the class watches the video. The women at our church are really enjoying the study.

I am still praying for the possible mission trip to Uganda and South Sudan. Please join me in praying for right decisions and especially for health. I am praying that God give
very clear direction concerning the trip. I would be teaching in a pastor's school training pastors in everything from preaching to caring for their congregation's needs.

April 29-May 2 I will be leading a revival meeting in Lebanon, MO. My friend, former college roommate, and fellow pastor Roger Marshall is the pastor. We have been friends for nearly 50 years. Sandy and I named our son, Roger, after him. This will also be a trip that will give me an opportunity to see my Dad and brother and other
relatives and friends in Eldon, MO.

Thanks for all your prayers and concerns. I am so grateful for God's watch care and your friendship. I have truly been blessed. Five years ago this month I was asked by my friend,
blessed. Five years ago this month I was asked by my
Mike Jones, to go fishing in Mexico. I am so glad I went. At that time I was undergoing Chemotherapy and my oncologist said after I asked him about missing a chemo treatment that he thought it would do me more good to go fishing. The picture is one of the many, many fish I caught. At that time no one expected me to live this long. I thank God He did1

God bless you this week. May He give you grace to see you through every situation. May He show you His love through those He puts into your life. ~ DGW

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