Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tasks to Complete #167

Luke 14:28-30
For which one of you, when he wants to build a
tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation, and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, saying, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish. (NAS)

No one likes to be ridiculed, even if it is deserved. Jesus warned His disciples to be aware of deciding to be His follower without first counting the cost. It is easy to sign on a dotted line and join up to all kinds of ventures. To become a disciple of Jesus is a lot more serious than building a house or buying a car.

The cost for a disciple is surrendering everything to the Lord. The Bible says of the first disciples, “They left everything to follow Him.” Luke 5:11 Jesus uses an example of what it means to be His disciple by describing someone who decides to build a tower but does not sit down first and calculate the cost. Can you imagine building a house without knowing the final cost? When the money ran out the builder simply quit building only to leave a partially finished house.

That left him open to ridicule. A professional baseball player was asked what was the most important part of hitting the baseball. His answer was simply, “Follow through.”

Books have been written with the theme of ‘finishing well’ referring to life itself. To finish a job is maybe the most important part. Many things have been started. In some cultures and countries to become a disciple of Jesus could cost you family, job, status, and maybe even life itself. To be a follower of Jesus and not finish brings ridicule and failure. Don’t begin the tower until you count the cost.

Buildings, movies, projects, books, music and a host of other things have been started and never finished. In fact few things are ever finished. When it comes to being His disciple Jesus desires us to follow Him all of our lives. To co

mmit to be His disciple is a life- changing experience of which there is no turning back. Are you considering becoming His disciple? First count the cost. You will find a life of challenge. Few things are finished. Plan now to finish what you start, especially when it comes to being a disciple of Jesus.

_________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ..,

Challenges abound. Sandy received her Ultra Sound test results. She has nodules on her Thyroid. She will be having a nuclear test done this week to determin whether they are hot or cold. If they are hot it means they are benign, if cold there is a possibility of malignancy. If they are cold then a biopsy will be taken. Pray for her and the tests and for good results. As you can imagine we are all concerned.

Susan continues to fight the peripheral neuropathy. Her hands, arms, feet and legs are all involved in the pain. She is on medication to try and correct the problem. Pray for her. She is having a hard time working because she cannot drive or use her hands without pain and her work includes using the computer, telephone and taking clients to see homes.

I have a preliminary result on my tests. I actually see the oncologist on Friday the 14th. There is a new tumor in the right lob of the liver and some ascites. The liver counts have again gone above acceptable levels. Friday I should know the next step of action. Again, just pray.

Our family had a wonderful time on Sunday as we celebrated birthdays. Jennifer and Bennett celebrated together. Jen #40 and Bennett #14. It is hard to believe I have a grandson 14 years old.

Sandy and I will be spending next week in San Diego, CA. with our friends the Tuttletons from Louisiana. Looking forward to seeing them.

I will be preaching on October 23, 2011 at the Northpointe Baptist Church in Chandler, AZ.

Sandy and I continue to prepare for the retreat in Ohio. Our topic, "God is not finished with you yet." has been challenging to prepare and yet very rewarding. Our study has
kept us busy the past few weeks. Pray for the retreat November 4-6.

You will never know how much I appreciate your prayers. We become aware of our needs and it seems your prayers are already ahead of us. Thanks a bunch.
I love you all. ~ DGW

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