Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Just Be You #168

1 Peter 4:10
As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (NAS)

God in His graciousness has given to every believer a spiritual gift. The gifts are given for the benefit of the Church and for the glory of God. The gifts are given in order to best serve one another. To received a gift is to become responsible for its management and use. No one can say they have not received a gift for the grace of God has made sure each one has a gift.

Every person becomes a servant through the use of his or her gifts. A good manager is someone who uses his or her gift for its intended purpose. Your purpose in life is to use your various gifts to serve. As a pen is made to write, you are made to use your gift, if it accomplish its purpose. So you are meant to achieve fulfillment as you serve by using your spiritual gift. Your personal sense of value and worth is enhanced and proven as you serve through the use of your giftedness.

Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12-14; Ephesians 4; and 1 Peter 4 all reveal the names and uses the gifts given by God's Holy Spirit to use for His glory and the needs of others. You are unique. No one is given a gift mix quite like yours. Combine your personality, life experiences and gifts and you become a special instrument in the hands of God.

Your responsibility is the stewardship of all that God has given you. You will be fulfilled and your life will count for His glory as you just be who you were meant to be. Discover and use your gifts. Study the passages of scripture that relate to gifts. Begin by serving others and you will likely find your gift as you serve.

Praise God for all things, but never forget to praise Him and thank Him for making you special. You are special to God and to all those who serve in His name. Use your gifts wisely and use them often.

_____________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from foggy San Diego,

Sandy and I are enjoying our time with Don and Tommie Tuttleton in San Diego this week. We spent yesterday at the famous San Diego Zoo. What a neat place. We all were very tired after walking all day up and down the hills of the zoo. It was worth it though.

Thanks for your prayers.
1. My reports came back and I have a very small new tumor in the right lobe of the liver, but the oncologist does not feel a need to treat it for now. Labs showed a slight increase in liver enzyme counts, but not enough to be greatly concerned.
2. Sandy is still awaiting reports on the nuclear tests of her thyroid. We should hear from the Dr. before the week is over.
3. Susan finally is getting relief from the pain in her feet and hands from the peripheral neuropathy. She is so grateful.

I will be preaching Sunday October 23rd at Northpointe Baptist Church in Chandler, AZ. Their YOUNG pastor is hiking the Grand Canyon. I will preach. He will hike.

Sandy continues to enjoy teaching her Tuesday Ladies Class at First Baptist Church of Tempe. She is teaching Ephesians.

We continue to prepare for the retreat in Ohio. We will be in Columbus November 4,5,6. We look forward to seeing all our friends in that area of Ohio.

God has been good to us over the past few months in spite of health issues. We believe our purpose is to bring glory to God through our lives, in our message, and with our actions and words. That is our goal and aim. No matter what any of us face in life God can receive glory. What a great God we serve. ~ DGW

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