Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Praise! Praise! Praise! #140

Isaiah 12:4-5 4 And in that day you will say, "Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; make them remember that His name is exalted. 5. Praise the LORD in song, for He has done excellent things; let this be known throughout the earth. (NAS)

"What a day this has been!" Normally if those were the words from your mouth it would indicate that you have had a 'not so good' day. Maybe things didn't go as you had hoped and planned; maybe you received some news that broke your heart; or maybe the knowledge of the unknown came to reality and it was not good. Whatever caused you to lament concerning the not so desirous experiences of the day has a counterpart.

The Prophet found the counterpart. "In that day you will say." these are the words of an encouraged man of God who recognizes the goodness of God and all His blessings. He bursts into praise as he says, "Give thanks to the Lord, call on God's people. He bursts into praise as he says, "Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name." He knows that God is good, holy, gracious, compassionate, and full of love.

How does he know that? He has watched and contemplated the deeds of God. He knows the God who has provided for His people, protected them, guided them, and given them salvation. Isaiah can only burst into song and express his gratitude for the excellent things that God has done. Not only does he remember them, but shouts from the housetops so all the world will know that God is good, excellent and worthy of praise.

What a difference it makes when we dwell on the goodness of God and all that He has done for you to show you His love, rather than live in a state of a negative, critical attitude and focus on something or someone other than the God who has blessed you so much. Try a refocus today. Praise God for all the good things God is and tell them of the excellent things God has accomplished in your life.

_____________________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in Tempe, AZ

It will be three weeks on Friday since the tube and wire were removed from my liver. I haven't had such good health in several years. I continue to be pain free and with renewed energy and endurance. I have been able to do yard work, including cutting limbs from trees using a chain saw. It has been years since that was possible. I praise the Lord for giving me not only life, but strength and especially hope. My primary care Doctor told me recently, "Dennis, there is no medical reason for you to be alive. It is just an answer to prayer." I thank yu for your prayers during these last few years. According to the Doctors I still have cancer in my liver, and if I don't watch what I eat I find out the hard way that they are right. Even with that God has given me a new beginning to bring glory to Him.

Thanks for your prayers for open doors for ministry. I have three opportunities to preach in April and May already scheduled. Still praying for other privileges of sharing God's word to encourage God's servants. I still come to Starbucks most mornings and have ample opportunities to talk to people and encourage them. For years I joked that Starbucks was my other church. It definitely is my mission field.

Sandy and our children and grandchildren are doing well. the new baby Johnn, has grown an inch and has passed the four pound mark. At 4lbs 4oz and 17 inches long he is doing great. He still requires oxygen because his lungs have not totally developed and he is still being fed through a tube. We are praying both will change in the next couple of weeks Sunday we had a baby shower at our home with nearly 50 people in attendance. What a fun time for Mandy and John. They are wonderful parents.

Susan and Collin have settled into their new home. It is beautiful. Susan has made a wonderful home for her and Collin.

Roger's son, Bennett, has a lead role in the high school musical, Bye, Bye Birdie, although Bennett is just in the eighth grade. He is a talented musician. Burke, Roger's other son just received his yellow belt in Aikido on Saturday. You don't want to mess with him. Roger is taking a sabbatical from his position as worship leader at church. His job has him traveling quite a lot. He will be in Chicago all next week. Jennifer continues her work with school and the children at church.

Sandy has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. She is often stiff and has a hard time sleeping through the night without getting out of bed a few times. It has not slowed her down much though. She continues doing that which she is great at and that is being a wife, mom and a Grammie. In case you didn't know I married way above my head.

I pray all of you will receive God's rich blessings this week. Praise Him often, love Him with all your heart, and tell someone else about Him. ~ DGW

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