Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What's Your Aim In Life? #266

Acts 20:24
24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. (NIV)

What are your goals, aims, objectives, and desires for your life? Are you ambitious about where you are headed? Do you see a future that will give you a sense of accomplishment and success? Your life may be lived with no goals or aims. It could be you are merely living in an existence with no real purpose. Over the past few years much has been said about finding purpose for life. No doubt you have thought about your own life and your desires to find real meaning.

Life is filled with ups and downs and curves and frustrations. Without an anchor that holds you fast there is a good chance you are not getting much out of life, or maybe you would just like to find more.  

The aim of the Apostle Paul as he shared with the Elders at Ephesus was to finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus had given him. Let me assure you that God has a task for you also. You are probably not a missionary or a preacher or an apostle like Paul, but you still have a purpose, an aim in life.

Paul says his aim is to finish the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. He was not only speaking of his personal experience of meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus, Syria, but his task of testifying that all of life is achieved, lived by and finished with God’s grace. His grace is sufficient, saving, serving, fulfilling, finishing and final.

You have an aim in life also. No matter what your vocation, your family, your lot in life; you still have been put on earth to glorify God and tell of His amazing grace. It is simply to testify (tell) what the Lord has done for you. Tell someone today of your testimony of God’s grace.

_______________Today's personal note from Dennis

Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

This was a spiritual, fun-filled, uplifting and fruitful week. Of course weeks are always better for me if I get an opportunity to preach. Sunday I preached at the Intersect Service in the LOFT at First Baptist Church of Tempe. I will be there again this Sunday. It is also a real joy to meet up with old friends and to hear from you via email. Appreciate so much you dropping me a line. Sandy and I heard from several of you on our anniversary. Thanks so much for remembering us. 

Sandy and I had the joy of caring for our two little grandsons, Johnny and Justin a couple of times this week. We have so much fun when we babysit with them. A little warning: "watch out for "Dash".  Johnny hides behind the mask. 

There are several things I can think of that I would really not like to do if I had a choice. One of those is seeing the dentist. I made appointments for Sandy and me both. Really not excited about the experience. Amazingly I find many of you who likewise do not enjoy a visit to the dentist office. 

Arizona is supposed to have a dry climate. Well tell that to the rain clouds. It has been a rainy monsoon season this year. For that we praise the Lord. Rain is when all the kids go outside to play. We all sorta calm down and enjoy the weather. 

Sandy and I each have speaking engagements through the end of the year. Sandy will be teaching a Young Mom's Group at FBC Tempe this fall on Tuesday mornings at 9:30.
My schedule is as follows:  

September 15th First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM
September 22nd First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM
September 29th-October 3 Second Baptist Church Lebanon, MO
October 13th First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM
November 3rd First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM
November 17th First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM
November 24th First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM
December 1st First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM
December 15th First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM
December 22nd First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM
December 29th First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM
January 5th 2014 First Baptist Church Tempe: in the LOFT at 9:30AM

Thanks for your prayers. Sandy and I both are so grateful for your concern and prayers for us personally and for our ministry. If we can minister to your group or your church please email us. We would love to see you. 

God bless you all. Hope and pray that God's wisdom will fill your decision making this week. To Him be the glory. God is Good. 

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