Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Come and Dine #253

There is nothing quite like a fishing trip, a fish fry and friends getting together for a meal. Peter had decided to return to his old life, fishing. He announced to the other disciples that he was going fishing. They in unison agreed to go along. Of course as many fishing trips progress; they caught nothing. You call that getting ‘skunked.’ Jesus was on the shore waiting for them. After an all night fishing trip they were tired and hungry. Jesus calls to them from the shore and mockingly says, “You have not caught any fish, have you?” There answer was in the negative. Jesus then gives instructions to cast the net on the right side of the boat. They complied and filled their net with 153 large fish.
There were so many fish they could not put them on the boat, so they dragged the net to shore where they found Jesus with breakfast cooked and ready to eat. Fish and bread awaited the hungry disciples. Jesus merely said to them, “Come and have breakfast with me.” This was the third time they had seen Jesus alive after his resurrection. They knew that it was Him and yet they made no comments.
A meal with Jesus must have been a highlight for the disciples, and yet they had eaten many meals with Him. This was special. It was with the resurrected Jesus. It was the climax of three years of ministry. He was alive and breaking bread with His friends. Do you break bread with Jesus? Do you dine with Him? Do you spend time soaking up His words from the Word of God? Do you talk with Him, fellowship with Him, and thank Him for His presence? Today spend some time with Jesus. Fellowship with Jesus is great!
It was during this encounter with Jesus that He asked Peter the BIG QUESTION: “Do you love me.” It may be that as you commune with Christ, eat from His words that He will ask you that question. How will you answer? What would you say if Jesus asked you, “Do you love me?”
Spend some time with Jesus today and tell Him that you do love Him. 
________________Today's personal note from Dennis
Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ

Happy Father's Day!!

I must have fishing on my mind. I am writing the devotional about fishing, going fishing again this week, and just returned from fishing. The only problem is that I am fishing like the disciples: (I am not catching anything). Oh well, it is just great to be able to go and enjoy God's wonderful outdoors. The pics this week are actually from the camping trip last week. Johnny netted himself on several occasions. He just enjoyed putting the net over his head and walking around. Justin is lying down in his bed in the camper. He is a real jewel. Collin and I caught one. But we had a great time. 

I preached last Sunday at West Glendale Baptist Church. It was a wonderful experience. The congregation was very receptive and kept me going with several 'Amens". This week I will be at East Verde Baptist Church near Payson, AZ. It is a small church in the tall pines on the Mogollon Rim. Such a beautiful setting for a church. They are currently without a pastor. Pray for their pastor search committee as they seek the pastor for their church. 

Sandy and I leave for Missouri on June 24th. We are driving and pulling our travel trailer. We look forward to some time together. We will be all but a few days in our three week journey. I have made sure their is a good fishing spot nearby each campground, and a Starbucks. We will send pictures and continue to write The Encourager. I will be preaching at the First Baptist Church of Eldon, MO   on June 30th, and at Second Baptist Church of Lebanon, MO on July 7th. If you are in the area come see Sandy and me. 

Sandy is having an ultra sound of her left carotid artery this week. Hopefully it is nothing serious, but the cardiologist heard some sounds he did not like and wanted further testing. We will keep you informed. Please remember her in prayer. 

I had someone tell me the other day that because of The Encourager they knew more about my grandkids than they did their own. Sandy and I are so grateful that our children and grandchildren all live here in the Valley. God has blessed us. 

I hope and pray that God is blessing your life. Don't ever forget, "GOD IS GOOD."  ~  DGW 

PS: DGW are my initials which I am sure you realized. Someone last week told me it could also stand for "Doing God's Will." 

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