Thursday, December 6, 2012

All Together For Good #227

Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Do you love God? Have you been called to be his child? Does God have a purpose for your life? If your answer is yes then the good news of this verse belongs to you.
The good news is that “God causes all things to work together for good.” It would be easy to question that truth unless you really take a look at its meaning. The first statement simply says, “God causes all things.” At face value you would assume that the verse means every tragedy, every evil, every pain, and every struggle is caused by God. That would make God into a very cruel God. Yet, if you believe that God is really God and that He is sovereign it will cause you a problem if you do not believe that statement. What a quandary; God is in charge and yet terrible things happen.
Looking deeper into the verse you will notice that God causes all things “to work together for good.” The meaning is clear. It is not that God causes all things but that He causes all things to work out for good. Even that is clarified further by a choice word. That word is “together.” It means that you cannot conceive of all the things God puts together to bring good even out of a tragedy. He is truly sovereign, in charge. He joins all the things that happen and makes good of them. You cannot see the beginning or the end. God can. He weaves a tapestry of life for you.
The verse further clarifies that all things work together for good “to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. The purpose of your life is that you will be conformed to the image of His Son, as written in the next verse (29). He is using every experience of your life to make you like Jesus. He may use your problems, your joys, your ancestors, your circumstances, your family, your job and whatever He chooses to work for your good that you may be “conformed to the image of His Son.”
Instead of seeing a conflict in your understanding you can find truth and clarity as you understand the Sovereign Lord knows all and allows any and everything in your life. He uses everything for your good, if you love Him and are called according to His purpose. Don’t bemoan your circumstance. Praise the God who is in charge and has your wellbeing in mind as He works the fabric of your life into the image of His Son. 
____________Today's personal note from Dennis
Greetings from Starbucks in beautiful Tempe, AZ
JUSTIN THOMAS arrived on December 3rd. He weighed in at 5 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long. He was seven weeks early. We are pretty sure he would have been a really big boy had he gone full term. He is in the NICU at this writing. He is breathing on his own and except for a little jaundice is doing very well. Mandy is doing well. Mandy and John are very excited. Of course he is on Facebook and wherever we can shout out his arrival. ONLY ONE OF MANY pictures.

We can hardly wait to see how Johnny reacts to his new little brother. Justin Thomas is named after his Daddy's brother, Justin, and his great grandfather, Harold Thomas Allen. He was Sandy's Dad. 

Needless to say Sandy and I have had fun watching Johnny for the past week. We enjoy having him at our house. He is really ACTIVE!! Sandy has a real understanding why you have your children when you are young. 

Wednesday this week I spent the day dissecting frogs. You say, "you did what?" That's right; dissecting frogs. I volunteered at Collin's middle school to help the science teacher. What an experience. Can you remember the wonderful smell of formaldehyde? It hasn't changed!!

The Christmas season is such a busy time. We avoided some of it by staying away from Black Friday. I don't enjoy shopping period. I can't imagine the mess of dealing with Black Friday craziness. If you indulged I hope you enjoyed your adventure. 

I really appreciate so many of you who drop me a note and tell me of your family events. It is good to keep track of one another. If you know someone who would  like to receive The Encourager please send me their name and email address. 

Sandy has decided to not teach her Bible Study class this next semester. She is aware with a new grand-baby we will be called on to watch Johnny and Justin much more. 

I have been asked to preach at Crossroads Baptist Church in Apache Junction, AZ on December 23rd. Pastor Randy is on vacation. I will be preaching at Laveen Baptist Church on January 6th. Pastor Jerry is on vacation. 

Sandy and I both will be teaching and ministering at the Quartzsite Rock and Gem show and the Quartzsite Southern Baptist Church in Quartzsite, AZ January 16-27. In the middle of that time I will be traveling as a sponsor on a field trip with the Fees Middle School College Preparatory Academy to Carlsbad, NM on January 18-20. Quite a busy schedule. Pray for physical stamina. 

May God bless all of you with the true Spirit of Christmas. I pray you will enjoy your family and friends. Thank God for His great gift of Jesus.   ~ DGW 

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